Mine does too. The real downside is that I have to sit out another six weeks before I'm allowed to come on the field again.
Mine does too. The real downside is that I have to sit out another six weeks before I'm allowed to come on the field again.
In lieu of the standard “I hope he gets the help he needs”, I will offer the same “fuck you” I gave to Greg Hardy.
I’m so with you. In October I hit a career jackpot that nearly doubled my paycheck to paycheck salary I was making. I get so anxious having a balance in my account after the bills are all paid. I immediately went and bumped every monthly bill payment up a notch or two so I can get out of debt ASAP. My pep talk to…
It’s the Clean Green. Or maybe the Green Sweep.
Let’s call it a Greenie. Not only does it include Draymond’s name, but it will knock that asshole from Mike and Mike down a peg.
And here I thought I’d have to wait until the game to see a statue repeatedly knocked over.
Oh BF4 is my go to game for sure, honestly BF4 and Arma are literally the only FPS online shooters I play. I’m on X1 as well but also have a gaming rig, yeah arma is a game for hardcore people and honestly you don’t get your full worth out of it until you join a community. It’s easily one of the best FPS out there but…
The Darkzone is cool doesn’t make everyone an asshole who KOS you are better off working together for the most part unless you come across some nice gear. They added a some features in there to prevent griefing and such, which games from GTA to Dayz need to incorporate.
It’s really good, I’m REAL critical about games and how they flow, in my opinion(from the beta anyway) is that this will be the game Destiny was suppose to be. It’s actually hard, the gun play is REALLY damn good, the coop mechanic is great as well. Think of Army of Two,Last of us meets gears of war type feel. It has…
IF that happens, the NBA will cease to exist as we know it, and all will have to bow to the Warriors...
Beef’s gonna be way more heated when Kevin Durant is a Warrior next season. ;)
That’s what I find most hilarious. They just confirmed for a news outlet that the things claimed by HondAnonymous are accurate.
So, they’re saying all this stuff is CORRECT?
Streaming endless Pandora at a high bit rate. Pandora for everyone!
I came up with a better way. I rented a place for myself. No roomates to worry about. That extra 5 minutes a month I save goes towards furious couch masturbation.
Guy uses lol like punctuation. Noticed that from the first story.
Re: Student Loan Debt.