If you're not sure if you can bring yourself to watch this, you should watch this. It's so impossibly over the top that it's not even gross.
If you're not sure if you can bring yourself to watch this, you should watch this. It's so impossibly over the top that it's not even gross.
Looks like he's out cold. Did she even think to put him through concussion protocol?
Tens of thousands of Boston-area men offering her cunnilingus right now.
Geesus Chryst you're right.
Golden Gate Bridge: The Most Destroyed Bridge in Entertainment.
You've got the eye of the tiger, sir. +1
Maybe that was just his way of giving a shout out to Richard Sherman's wife.
Later, his coaching staff got in the act by laying an egg of their own.
I really hope the NFL fines him for that crap.
Rolling Stone should really just stick to investigating rape cases music.
so with that first picture, I gotta ask, did they manage to make him pee in his sleep?
45. [Privately, to Peter King] "I won't come in your mouth."
I'm just commenting here so I don't get fined.
i don't think I recognize the irony in that.
It's like someone tried to describe the internet to them.