
You guys aren't really in any position to complain about people twisting and cherry-picking stats. And people aren't "pretending" that sexual violence isn't gendered, they disagree that it is gender-based. Words have meanings, stop using "gendered" to mean "gender-based".

No, women definitely commit as many acts of violence as men, this we know for sure, even from other studies that only study heterosexual relationships. There's actually TONS of evidence suggesting that men and women commit the same amount of violence, it's just that feminists hate the metrics that turn up those

Who is "they"? The numbers I quoted were for victims of sexual violence in the 12 months prior to the study they are from - and with 46% of the victims reporting a female assailant it's kind of hard to say "most" any which way, and it doesn't break out the numbers for LGBT (unfortunately - we are a seriously

It wouldn't be hard if so much of the people who say they want to talk about it do it in such a way as to intentionally derail existing conversations. Poisoning the well, as it were.

Both, but primarily the first one. When the concept of "homosexuality" started to come about, it was conceived of as a mental illness that made people violent sexual predators. We're all more familiar with the trope of gay men as rapists, in part because men were potential homosexuals before women were, but once

Not an ax. The family member of a victim, who knows when it happens to you, all the studies and statistics don't mean shit. But thanks for your compassion.

If we ever needed evidence that the next iteration of Kinja needs to allow banning by IP address, basketballamericans###### surely has provided it.

I'm female and a feminist, and this headline sucks. The information in your article is fantastic, and makes multiple good points, but that headline is sensationalist clickbait.

Network incompetence tried to kill Star Trek in 1967 after one season too. Two more seasons, 5 more series, 12 movies, about 200 books, dozens of comics, board games, tabletop games, pinball machines, role playing games and video games later it is still going strong while Firefly is fondly remembered.

If Firefly beats Star Trek I'm done with io9 polls forever.

And if Firefly was any good then the movie would have made bank instead of barely making a ripple at the box office before sinking out sight. And being around for half a century carries some weight because if Trek had been shit, then it would have been forgotten about aside from some reruns on the UHF channels in the

Sad. I'm going to watch my "Bob Newhart Show" DVDs today.

Friedrich: Yao Ming