
I think in the first picture he’s becoming attracted to her. He thinks to himself that maybe he was wrong to treat women the way he has. Maybe going through life seeing yourself as the only important person on earth isn’t the way to live that life. Our time is precious and if we all come together to look after each

She was very good. A real puppet master.

Oooh sexist.

Good for her. There’s no benefit to her for coming forward, despite the claims of the Trumpets that defend him no matter what. She’s not getting a book deal, or becoming a star. She’s standing next to the other women, saying me too, and giving more weight to their ‘accusations’. Even though if any more weight is

Because you killed Hilter you set off a chain reaction where in the future some clown like, I dunno, Donald Trump becomes president.

I’d like to take this opportunity to give kudos to Clinton for her superb ‘puppet’ counter punch comment that made the Orange goblin so angry last night. I had to rewind it because Trumps reaction made me laugh so much.

He said BIGLY?! Who is he, Karl fucking Pilkington? Although he did tell us he knows all the best words.

Uh did they base a console around the concept of remote play? Feels like I’m being sold an invention on one of those terrible TV commercials. “Have you ever had THIS happen?!”

The future president of the free world will has tiny hands. Nintendo is seeking his approval. And so should you.

It’s scientifically impossible to threaten a blow job. Watch.

Like I’ve said before, they’re not zombies if they can run or vote. Stop fucking with the lore Giuliani.

So cosy. Getting those fond feelings you get when you see or hear something from those special game experiences you...experience.

I’ve tried not hating pewdiepie now for a while now. I’m not saying it’s easy but I recognize I was the one with the problem and the first step was admitting it. But now that talentless poop goblin is playing a demo of a game I’ve been waiting for since before the appendix was useless. I’m here to tell you I’ve fallen

Yusss! That is all.

WHAT?! In front of you? I mean saying that just to his friend doesn’t qualify him for man of the year but shit he doesn’t even recognize that’s a disgusting thing to say. I’m really bummed out about our species during these recent few days especially.

No one. And I mean no one has more respect for Donald Trump than Donald Trump. I hope that clears everything up.


Solar powered lighting?

Brava! Brava! I’m assuming Brava is the Italian version of bravo.

Widely popular? Did you have to wash the shit stains off your hands after you pulled that one out of your ass?