
Ifyou're not sure you're supposed to be laughing….it probably means you're supposed to be laughing. The same applies to the soap opera stuff in the original series. It's supposed to be laughable. Back in the 80s and early 90s, soap operas were crazy popular and I think Lynch wanted to lampoon that. Whether it worked

I think the main reason he garners so much hate is because he got so much screentime in season 2 dedicated to that awful leaving town plot.

Yeah, I was baffled by all the people on the Twin Peaks facebook page recommending newcomers watch FWWM first because "it's a prequel." Not only would FWWM be confusing as hell to watch with no context, but it spoils the mystery of who killed Laura.

Ugh, that reminds me of an article I recently read about a gym teacher who physically dragged his student into a swimming pool because she didn't want to get her hair wet. The amount of commenters who defended the teacher's actions, or even said the girl deserved WORSE pain and punishment, was horrifying.

Don't forget the teacher randomly slathering glue all over her face, the 'sexy' lady who wipes a snot-covered tissue all over her cleavage, the entire O'Doyle family randomly driving off a cliff (after hitting a banana peel that Chris Farley threw on the road earlier in the movie), and the spontaneous musical number

But this is Dennis we're talking about. He has always known Mac is attracted to him and seems to not only get an ego-boost from it, but intentionally manipulates Mac based on that attraction. Mac is a constant source of validation and attention for Dennis, which is something a narcissist like Dennis would love. So for

Oops! My bad. I haven't seen the episode for a while, so I totally forgot whose place got trashed :O
But I stupidly forgot the poisoning….which the frat boys also probably didn't deserve lol.

The frat kids were horrible, but Dennis' insane overreaction was what made it so hilarious hilarious. They might have deserved payback, but they probably didn't deserve their frat house being destroyed and the lawn set on fire haha

FXX's commercials for this show are so shitty anyway. They spoil things for long-time viewers by showing a bunch of random scenes, but they also do absolutely NOTHING to entice new viewers to the show. Showing a bunch of short scenes with no context doesn't exactly make most people go 'wow, I need to watch that show!'

Yeah, it's baffling to me how Dennis and Mac's friendship has been treated this season. One of the more heart-warming things about their friendship is that Dennis has always known Mac is gay, and has never given a shit about it or freaked out about their closeness. He was always encouraging Mac to come out of the

Amen to this. It would be a crappy end for Dennis' character to let him leave the show with a "happily ever after" after 12 seasons of establishing him as such a selfish, predatory, sociopathic asshole. I can see why he would THINK he'd be a good father, because he's always seen himself as the most sane and

I don't know….I never saw his protection of Dawn as a selfish act, or an attempt to get Buffy to notice him. Spike is one of the few vampires who actually does feel things like compassion and care even without a soul (e.g. his love for Drusilla, however warped it was). He spent most of his vampire life looking after

I did think it was a little weird that Spike wasn't in The Body. He got along well with Joyce and watched tacky tv with her (if I recall correctly?) so it would have been interesting to see his reaction to her death,

I love Restless so much, if only for how accurately it portrays the randomness and lack-of-logic in dreams and that 'eerie' feeling that something isn't quite….right. One of the best fictional portrayals of dreams I've ever seen.

True, but that makes it even weirder that his dad would trust him to run his business.

Yeah, I hate it when shows bring in family members when they're so many seasons in, because it doesn't make sense that we haven't seen or heard them before now. If Cricket's dad had plans for Cricket to take over the family business when he retired, why didn't he try to track Cricket down before now? Why didn't he

I loved Maureen when she was Dennis' slightly-crazy spiteful ex-wife. She was one of the few characters who could rile him up with just a few words, yet his nastiness never seemed to get to her. Some of their exchanges are my favorite in the series…

Is it though? I vaguely remember kids wearing those red leather coats at my high school. Back then I had a particularly ugly brown velvet coat (with a fluffy collar) that I always wore in winter, and I remember getting compliments for it.

I went clothes shopping for the first time in a while the other day, and was surprised how many shops were selling velvet spaghetti-strap dresses over white shirt combos. I think I also saw a mannequin wearing a Blossom hat too.

I would have found the reveal of the gift a bit more rewarding if we had actually heard Dennis randomly mentioning RPGs throughout the last few seasons. Then the whole "you talk about them all the time" joke would have been funnier, and the sentimentality of the moment would have made a little more sense.