
I love the animosity between Jerry and Rick, because there's something weirdly humorous about a nihilistic, moral-less, murdering, universe-destroying, asshole like Rick getting into a petty squabble with his son-in-law about unimportant things like Jerry being unemployed or getting his teenaged daughter pregnant.

Oh man, that reminds me how much I hated the whole "by the way, Nate has a long-lost brother who conveniently wasn't mentioned in any of the previous games even though they were apparently super-close as kids and is a big reason Nate became a treasure hunter" plot.

I agree 100% I loved the stories, the characters, the gorgeous locations, and the banter. But hoooooly shit, the gunplay was hair-rippingly terrible! I feel like Uncharted 4's slight change in gameplay was a step in the right direction, but being the last installment in the main series, it was too little too late. The

I'll forever be angry at Chilton's fate. I loved Raul Esparza's weaselly Chilton and was looking forward to the moment where he finally had Hannibal caught so he could enact petty revenge like taking away his toilet seat and playing religious music non-stop to aggravate him. But nope, the show was so far up Hannibal's

A Pushing Daisies revival would make my decade.

I'm actually surprised how much I've been missing Jerry this season. And I think you hit the nail on the head why - Jerry was always there to challenge Rick and call him out on his bullshit. It didn't matter how amazing Rick's adventures or inventions were, Jerry met them with nothing more than disinterest and disdain.

Rick didn't know the hero team destroyed the planet though, did he? He was just jealous and bitter towards them, so he set up a bunch of elaborate traps to kill them.

I wish it had been Morty, tbh. If only because it would have been great pay-off to see Morty so adamantly stand up to Rick's bullshit throughout the whole episode, only to be brought down a peg moments later by realizing Rick really does care about him (even if it is only through Rick's drunken ramblings).

Yeeeeeeah….Jigsaw had a pretty similar logic in the Saw movies, where he didn't consider himself a killer because the people who died in his traps just didn't "appreciate their lives enough".

Exactly. We're three seasons in. At this point it goes without saying that Rick is a nihilistic asshole who doesn't value life. We don't really need an episode that centers around trying to prove how much of an asshole he is.

"and we see that Dougie Jones was Cooper's true identity all along, and… I'm jinxing this, aren't I?"

It wouldn't been to be added in post. It's possible the makers were happy with the footage of the cars driving past, but not with the reverse shot of Ed, so they took footage from a 'good' reverse shot and edited it over the original shot of the window.

Yeah, I'm 50/50 on whether it was intentional or not. On one hand, it seems strange that such an obvious little moment would be a mistake (especially since the window -and his reflection- are what the camera is focusing on)….but on the other hand, Ed doesn't really react to the inconsistent movement. He just looks

I love the "Audrey is still in a coma" theory…and simultaneously hate it. It makes my heart ache to think the hopeful, young, and aspiring woman from the original series has been trapped hospital bed for 20+ years. Though I guess Lynch's work (and real life, for that matter) has never been about avoiding tragedy for

To this day, I haven't beaten that level on 00 Agent mode. Fuck you, Jaws!

Funnily enough, I've found it's the game that non-gamers have the easiest time getting into. When I was at university, we'd ocassionally fire up the ol' N64 and so many people who had never touched a game controller in their life had an absolute blast with Goldeneye 007 (while they couldn't wrap their heads around the

So Twin Peaks is basically Silent Hill?

Do you enjoy Nicolas Cage at his Nicolas Cage-iest? Because if so, you get to see John Travolta trying his gosh-darned hardest to imitate it for two hours. :D

Curse of the Black Pearl is the only one that is watchable, imo. It's a simple pirate adventure story with a simple premise. That's all these movies should have been. I don't know how they screwed it up so badly to become the painful, convoluted, dragging mess that the sequels are. What's wrong with a simple damn

Hell, James being "cool" makes sense within a small town. He's good looking, nice, and has a motorbike. That would be pretty "cool" in any school, tbh.