
Yeah, that felt a little weird to me. I was hoping it would end with him either ranting about how incompetent and useless everyone is, or ranting that everyone should give him a gift because he's the Golden God or something like that. But instead he gave a weird "I have feelings!" rant instead, which wasn't very

Him raising his hands to reveal a baseball glove and ball had me rolling.

Hell, I think one of the darkest (and funniest) episodes is the one where Frank tricks Dennis and Dee into thinking their mom is still alive, culminating in them digging up her corpse a the end of the episode. A guy grinding his dick in his daughter's face seems mild by comparison.

Every now and then we are reminded that she really is Dennis' sister. In some ways, she might even be more fucked up than him.

I loved that Mac's second dream took place in their old apartment too. Seems like Mac might be secretly pining to go back to living with Dennis again.

Exactly. Much of his super-macho persona is a desperate attempt to not come across as gay because Mac has a very narrow and stereotypical view of what heterosexuality/homosexuality is. To him, straight men are tough, they're competitive, they obsess over gym work, they have 'badass' jobs like security/sheriff, and

And then there will be the inevitability of the gang somehow fucking up Mac's relationship with their general awfulness and/or Dennis raging about Mac letting another man get between them and finding another man (who isn't him) attractive.

Yeah, I was definitely finding it less and less funny that Mac was in the closet the older he got. Poor guy's in his 40s now. Let him be out and proud.