I can’t believe they didn’t let him finish out this election cycle. I enjoy a good nerdist game show as much as the next guy; but, that’s cold; a real dick move Comedy Central. It makes me wonder...
I can’t believe they didn’t let him finish out this election cycle. I enjoy a good nerdist game show as much as the next guy; but, that’s cold; a real dick move Comedy Central. It makes me wonder...
Jim Harbaugh is the Eric Cartman of college football
Darn these question and answer sessions with all these annoying questions and answers...
Oh I thought this was going to be the “(fill in the blank team) has already won the EPL god what a boring league let’s just talk about Barca and Messi for the next 4 months amirite guys?” article. Maybe next week.
He’s not in the same league- for white people. I guarantee you there were a lot of people of color that laughed harder at The Nightly Show than they ever did at Colbert, Stewart, or Bee. The fact that the latter can continue with their careers while Wilmore and his predecessors (W. Kamau Bell, e.g.) get cancelled just…
The show apparently struggled with Comedy Central’s favorite demographic, men between the ages of 18 and 24. Though the Trevor Noah-hosted iteration of The Daily Show is not widely celebrated, it supposedly does well with that group.
I concur about @midnight absolutely ruining my twitter feed. I have had to mute so many people that I otherwise care about because of all of those damn “ruin a movie with three new words” dumbass things that they request every single day (or whenever the show airs. I don’t know, it seems like it is multiple times a…
I just now realized there was a The before Prodigy in the group’s name. When did that happen?
I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to…
“Smack My Bitch Up” is a bad song for a lot of reasons, but it was a particularly bad choice last night, given Chapman’s recent 30-game suspension for violating MLB’s domestic violence policy. Today, the Cubs issued an apology for the incident (via ESPN’s Jesse Rogers):
I mean. I kinda get what he’s saying. As a very agnostic bordering on atheist person I think this type of shit is a bit silly, but I respect other people’s right to believe in it and I think it's fine if he only wants to sell to people who take the craft/practice/religion seriously. *shrugs*
omg yaaaaayyyyy this is exactly the kind of feminism movie I want to see not that whitewashed self-serious “Suffragette” crap
Silver is an amazing outcome. Usually an Irish Row ends with black and blue.
The brothers say they are really gonna party when they find a bar willing to accept giant silver coins.
This truly is the end of a below mediocre era...