
You know, Mexican food here is absof*ckinlutely terrible! There is, however, a new spot that opened up here that puts a modern "twist" to mexican food, and I gotta tell ya, it's pretty damn amazing. But yeah, if you like mexican food, Hawaii's not the right place for you. ... reminds me of this recent huff post blog

I dunno. Not all of us Asian folk are created equal. I've read some reprehensible yelp reviews by Asians (other races, too, mind you). ... For a second I thought I read "Olive Tree", and yes, they get 4.5-5 stars. Amazing food, great vibe, hospitable staff. Do we even have and Olive Garden here? I hope not.

Cue porno music...

WHAT?!? No bread after dessert? What kinda restaurant is that???
Yeah I've learned to try to stay off of yelp as much as I can. Wish they had a filter for stupid comments.

Them's fightin' words! But you're right, Giovanni's is actually pretty amazing!
I've been to cities where the food is better all around, but it's not terrible here compared to say, I dunno, Omaha or Atlanta.

Aside from Giovanni's, what were your more favored restaurants in Hawaii? I'm just curious.

Ummm.... don't people everywhere like food that tastes good?

"People in Uganda like water!"

Conversely I've seen people give a great review about a spot and then give the place 2 stars? I'm not sure if all yelpers are great at internet.

exactly. and not to say that some of those hawaii restaurants listed are bad (they're actually all great), but a slew of others that are much more deserving to be on that list. i suppose that's one of the inherent problems with lists. and yelp.

Not to say that Da Poke Shack isn't good (it definitely is), but most Hawaii yelpers don't know good food from a piece of dog turd. Most of the Hawaii entrees on here are sound, despite there being much better options than what is listed. Buy hey, that's yelp for ya!

Yeah I'm pretty surprised that some of the roads in Hawaii aren't mentioned. Quite a few streets in Honolulu that are rather steep. Almost ate gravel on one of them while on my motorcycle once.

Good lord. A volvo that actually looks sexy? Where's that "take my money" meme?

Wow, someone still lives in ... well, whatever year "metal" was cool. Welcome to the new millenium where there are a lot of other genre's to choose from. And by the way, Bonobo isn't "rap crap" ... tiny bits of trip-hop influence on a few tunes here and there, but not rap, nor crap.

Perhaps you should look them up. Or

I know, right? They could have at least made Silver Surfer's earth home-base in Hawaii or something. ... I mean I'm biased a bit, of course, but it would kinda make sense.

I stand corrected!

Possible, but highly unlikely that google would develop a product and then let users put windows on it. I'm sure it can be hacked, but why on earth would you want to replace android with windows of all things?

With you on this. Not really diggin' it too much. Prefer the old home screen.

Just installed mine. U sure about that?

Soooo, he's the aquaman of the sky?

Agreed. She doesn't fit the role, IMO.

Sony actually expected After Earth (M. Night Shamalame as director) and White House Down (Roland Emmerich at the helm) to do well? And then Smurfs?