
I see your Voltron and raise you a Meowtron!

OSX Meowtron?

I have tried, trust me. See my other response.

My bias is not unwarranted. I've owned many Samsung phones over the years, and they've all failed on me before my contract was up. Granted I haven't tried the Galaxy Nexus - trust me, I tried, but the idiots at two Verizon stores I went to basically said to me "well if you want to try it, we can sell you one"; yes,

OSX BattleCat?

If you think Supes IV is bad, take a stab at Supergirl.

When is this due to begin? I'm still hanging on (barely) to my trusty Nexus One, but it is SOOOOOO SLOOOOW!.... and I refuse to buy a flimsy Samsung phone.

Yeah, a few of my friends have expressed their surprise at the fact that I haven't watched it yet, despite being a sci-fi movie junkie, with Bladerunner, of course, being my fave of all time. Despite its age, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to enjoy the flick if it's of the caliber that everyone says it is.

Many thanks for the suggestions. Will definitely check it out this week. Or maybe next, so I don't get, too much more excited about Prometheus than I already am.

On that note, I think Marvel could use Nolan's help with one of their darker characters.... I dunno, say Punisher? Although, I'd much rather see a Nolan take on Daredevil or Wolvie.

Michael Bay isn't a director, he's destroyer of your (my) childhood ... =/

damn... beat me to it!

I suppose now would be as good a time as ever to watch the Alien movie for the first time? Any recommendations on which version I should watch?

I gotta admit, watching the Avengers previews, reading spoilers, etc, didn't really get me all that excited about the movie. On the contrary, I thought it would suck simply b/c of the fact that there was just way too much (IMO) exposure for the movie beforehand.

Well, my post was mostly filled with sarcasm.

and grimlock's ... ;)

I highly recommend that everyone here watch Superman IV paired with Supergirl and a bottle of the cheapest bottom-shelf vodka available.

Didn't know that. Only Ultimates I read was hardcover version of the new Spidey, who's of mixed race, I believe.

Well, if I'm not mistaken, I think Punisher is back in Marvel hands finally. Hopefully they do it right...

After daredevil, I couldn't force myself to watch elektra. I "accidentally" watched a portion of the end, but didn't have enough booze to carry me through it.