HAHAHAHAHA, The Last Guardian: 2016.
HAHAHAHAHA, The Last Guardian: 2016.
Does the tip of the tongue taste the Dr. Pepper or is it ALLLL the way back?
i7-4770K and dual 980's here. I compromise with AA completely off to achieve that ultra res goodness. Our SLI 980's are going to be dying breed this coming year, we have to stick together.
Holy shit I had know idea what the hell I was watching. Several people described him as "amazing" and his show "breathtaking." I almost puked after 2 minutes.
Well I think I know what the next Jimquisition will be about.
I had the 6800 with those sweet ass copper heat pipes. Don’t know if the 6600 had those though.
You GO girl.
Sunday, SUNDAY SUNdaaaaaay.
Got Ryse for $5 on a Steam sale. One of the best 5 bucks I ever spent. The exact “dollar per hour” deal. It took me 5 hours to beat.
How about having an open mind? Just throwing that out there.
DARE! Dare to BELIEEEEEVE you can surviiiiiive
I wonder if he also carries a few dozen sticks of deoderant.
This would go great with my Squatty Potty.
This would go great with my Squatty Potty.
Is that the same condition those people who claim to eat nothing but pizza and shit all the time? I feel bad for them, I couldn't imagine not wanting to eat anything but ONE thing my entire life.
We don't mind hearing about your bowels.
I am to lazy to look it cause I am at work but is there any evidence she actually does this? Or just a case of, “Hey pay attention to me I eat a large amount of something you shouldn’t eat a large amount of please pay attention to me I swear I eat all of these fucking bananas."
“Other cool famous vegans.....Al Gore.”
I'm not a vegetarian but I fucking LOVE those Morning Star Farms "riblet" patties. Its like a McRib without the guilt.
Holy shit I thought this was recent. I missed the fighter jet SunChips bag back in 2011. Damn.
Standing in front of the toilet before a shower is my jam. Just knock it out and I'm ready to go!