
If an undocumented person to due to appear as a witness and doesn’t due to a fear of ICE grabbing them when they’re at the courthouse, isn’t that going to affect the operation of justice for everyone?

People above have (rightly) called you out for the heartless tone of this post, but allow me to just mention the holes in your analogy. If you’ve robbed a bank, then obviously the police would like you to face justice. If, however, you’re also the sole witness to a murder, then quite often the police will refrain from

I didn’t mean so much that it’s weird to take Epsom salts as a laxative, more that it seems highly inappropriate to prescribe any sort of laxative usage if a patient isn’t actually constipated. Unnecessary laxative usage is one of those things that immediately rings “eating disorder” for me, and long-term laxative

Yea this idea that weight loss from diarrhea is somehow healthy, or even real weight loss, is so ridiculous. It almost comes right back.

It did make me re-think my life choices a little bit though. “Maybe I can open one of these fancy diarrhea clinics and people will pay ME exorbitant amounts of money? Is south Texas as fancy as Austria?”

I’m not sure why any medical professional who’s aware of your having body dysmorphia would promote such an extreme regime that focuses largely on the superficial.

Wow, in my day rich people simply raked their money into piles and burned it.

Whatever your opinion of Remini, she showed the RIGHT way to leave Scientology. On that there can be no debate.

I quite liked that the main characters had nothing to do with a Skywalker, for once.

Can we fix Attack of the Clones in Post-Post?

THIS. I’m chubby and I have boobs. Putting a fucking caftan over that is NOT cute. Is a fitted shirt that hits at my hips (not my waist, not three inches below my boobs) really too much to ask, designers??

I don’t think anyone with boobs actually brags about having boobs, at least past the age of 18. By then we all know, big or small, boobs are a pain in the ass.

If going bra shopping for a well endowed girl has taught me anything it’s that nothing ever fits them properly off the rack it’s specialty store or bust.

I have the shoulders of a linebacker. Anything that fits me from the ribs up is a tent from the waist down. All I want is *gentle* tailoring, just enough to nip things in at the waist and hip but not bursting at the boobs (which aren’t really the problem - I could wear those bralettes but they’re never WIDE enough.)

FYI from a grown woman who resembles a 10yo boy (medical on) these are legitimately horrible on us skinny folk too...sure you don’t need a bra if you don’t actually have tits, but no boobs+skinny shoulders and chest+this shape of top=an old-school nun’s headgear on a toothpick. Not good.

Right?! I’m fat, and I need tailoring to showcase the good parts of my body, not tent shirts, damn it.


How is Ryan Reynolds “really weird taste in men”?

Orphan Black is a co-production of BBC America, but BBC America is a North American network that’s just owned by the BBC. The show actually aired on BBCA and Canada’s Space network (also a co-producer) well before it ever aired in the UK. And though it doesn’t go out of its way to acknowledge being set in Toronto, it

I find something sureal about Vancouver shows. An army of actors moves from one Vacouver show to another and as soon as you see two Canadians you go “Oh, this is Vancouver.” It kind of takes you out of the moment.