
I like this tweet too!


As a Brit, I was deeply embarrassed by the Referendum result, but seriously, you guys didn’t have to elect Trump to make us feel better about ourselves. I do take comfort in the fact that Hillary won the popular vote though. I just don’t see how you can go from Obama to that... thing.


What... what if.... the “thoughts” and “prayers” are like adding an acid and a base together, canceling each other out? Maybe we should have only been sending “thoughts” OR “prayers”, not both?

So basically this fuck just created a god damn nightmare for all these people and their families.

For my work, I move our employees from a home location to another location so they can work on projects/open offices/etc. To move a family from one location to another in two weeks is almost impossible. There is immigration considerations to consider, schooling if they have children, sale of houses/cars/furniture that

McCain, Graham, et al, subscribe to a flawed, harmful, hateful ideology. Trump has no ideology whatsoever. I honestly can’t say which is worse, but at least you can predict what McCain and his ilk will do and try to head them off at the pass. Trump is a drunk, blindfolded orangutan with a machine gun - there’s no

No this photo finally made the connection who he reminds me of (apparently I’m not alone)....just call him L. Don Hubbard-

Tbh, I’ve always thought that “The Madness of King George” was a better-sounding title than “The Madness of George III.” Anyone who knows who George III is will recognize that he is the “King George” who was mad, and potential viewers who aren’t familiar with English history might be intrigued at the idea of a mad

As much as I love Robin Williams, he would have made a terrible Hagrid. Hagrid isn’t supposed to be center-stage, it’s a secondary character. Robin would have swallowed the scene as a hairy neutron star. It would have been delightful, but out of character.

I think I am going to need a steam roller for this house...

In fact, when reached for a quote, Elton John reportedly defiantly looked at 2016 and said “I’m still standing.”

Yeah but although these people are lots of bad things, they are definitely not “feckless”. They have incredible strength of character. It takes insane dedication and determination to bring a doomed case before the Supreme Court. Their initiative is way way too strong, that’s the problem. If anything, they are feckful.

Ironic too, because they likely can’t move away now. If the gentleman in question required some $50,000 for legal fees, that is likely to be mirrored by the other party.

Not to mention the verse they put up, which they did some convenient edits to, is talking about the AntiChrist and not just some random dude you think is not obeying the law.

Better yet, John 13:35 one that I have trotted out this year (I’m a deacon at my church) more than any year I can remember.

Ok, well I never claimed to be “anti-fur,” I said that I would not buy new fur, but would wear an older fur. I do not have an inherent moral issue with people wearing fur— it is a very warm material that often looks quite elegant in my opinion (though that is certainly not the case with the Biebs here)— but I do have

Oh jeez. I can’t even pull of a good rant without being an idiot. Yes, Annie Lennox.

Annie Leibovitz, the photographer?