
I’m with ya. I got down to the picture but by then I was excited enough to hop over to the Play Store and check it out. Of course it wasn’t there. A little italicized intro line would go a long way.

I read that article! It was absolutely terrifying.

That’s definitely the way I grew up, too. I have *much* less stuff now that I can afford to maintain what I have/replace it if necessary. But I’m still not That Dad.

13-12 and then I couldn’t wind down enough to sleep for an hour. I normally let my kids stay up for the World Series but my 7 y.o. has a tournament game tonight so I cut him off at 10:30.

I used to have a friend named Gary who spoke better Klingon than this lot. I still have some Klingon poetry he wrote me on a napkin.

My babysitter used to have me doing that “must increase our bust” chant. I’d like to go back in time and smack her: 36G is too much.

Came here to say this! My whole life my mom has told me told me stories about the Scots & Ukranian blood on her side that she apparently completely made up. I did 23&me and was something like 49.7% Ashkenazi (all from her side) and I have hundreds of 3rd & 4th cousins. Well, of course. Jews in the U.S. didn’t much

This I have to try!

Or as I called this combo in my high school days, “lunch.”

Had to look it up! Here’s a possibility from

I was disappointed for a sec because I thought he had a special grinding machine for his capicola and he sounded *really* into his food to carry the grinder to lunch with him.

Haha I have a Journalism degree and my hubby dropped out of college but he’s the one with the “refined” taste buds. I tell him it’s his fault our grocery bills are high because if it weren’t for him I’d still be drinking Cook’s pink “champagne” from 7-11.

My kids do 3 chores a day starting in kindergarten, plus an hour on one day a week (the littler they are, the more I am working with them and chore time is “gamified”), plus cleaning up together after dinner and extra “as needed.” The 3 assigned chores must be done before computer time, so they are almost always done

I’m with you on that one! My Aunt called me “mashed potato girl” when I lived with her.

I’m thinking of big family dinners at my grandmas and how depressing it would be to have to sit there. Ugh.

Yeah only one piece broke. The weird thing is we broke drinking glasses all.the.time. So strange. I accidentally blew up a Pyrex dish once too and that was terrifying! (I put a pan of brownies on an electric stove burner to cool off but then I spaced out and turned the burner on, yikes).

I have the old Corelle with the gold butterfly pattern and I love it. I can stack 36 plates just on one cupboard shelf. Also, I can buy almost always find some at a Goodwill if I want more. Also, I only broke one piece in 15 years plus—I have two boys, they drop stuff, but linoleum and wood were not a problem. Then I

I’ve practically begged people to read it. It’s an amazing piece of research.

I hate it when people text in the theater, but I wonder if the gal said her “best friend ‘needed her right away’” *because* she was looking for an excuse to get away from her creepy date!

Yup! We had a Buick Century (yes Century .... as in turn-of-the). And a 1998 Forester. Within the last two years, they finally wore out and we replaced them with new Outbacks. When we bought mine, at first I said I didn’t care about the color becs after 15 years i’ll be guaranteed sick of it. (Changed my mind tho’