
I’m a white woman. And for the most part I always thought I was fairly aware (i wont say woke because I fucking hate that saying) but years years ago I was in a relationship with an aboriginal man and was really slapped in the face with what his reality was. Everywhere we went the racism was there. grocery store,

I thought parts of it definitely came across as Tilda attempting to get absolution from Cho—that’s a problem for obvious reasons. I also thought Cho’s emails read as being exceedingly polite, almost the way you talk to someone when you’re kind of trying to make it their idea...? Like, I don’t know, maybe do this...?

Black dude here. I think one of the reasons we say “white person doesn’t get it” it is because unless you have immersed yourself in the culture, the people, and traditions it really is hard to get it. In America white culture is presented as the norm (TV, movies, magazines, politics for the most part) so different

This is confusing to me. If I, as a white male, need to be educated on these matters of race and gender, but I can’t ask my minority friends, honestly what do I do?

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

Check out VF’s home page; they’re proposing just that!

Just gonna leave this here.

SOME OF US like to put truffle oil on our Exxtra Butter microwave popcorn that we pair with a pint glass of Franzia when our husband is out of town. OKAY?

He’s almost right. It should have been this:

Trump Tower (the one on Fifth Avenue) should be landmarked.

He did say that. The main thing is that it’s not a real honor because it’s NOT AN HONOR, as Time tries every year to make clear, to limited success.

I think I need a subscription to Vanity Fair now. Just to spite he-who-shall-not-be-named. Let’s make their circulation tremendously yuge.

At least it won’t be hard for me to get a job. As a shredder, but still better than unemployment, I guess.

My favorite was use of the word flaccid. Someone is skilled enough to know exactly where and how to place the knife.

Oh come on Adrastra! That was last week!

What will be especially delicious is if his undoing is as a result of his tweets. I really hope so.

I know it makes me the worst person in the world, but I order my steaks well done.

From the article:

“flaccid, gray Szechuan dumplings,”

My favorite line in the Vanity Fair article: