
A description as vague as this one is a decent enough sign that there’s more than one way to tell a story about space colonization. At least, that’s what my bookshelf likes to communicate.  

I didn’t just happened.

I hope you aren’t trying to suggest that education is the key to changing their belief systems, because I can assure you that facts are only met with, “Blargh blargh blargh wordvomit something awful that makes me regret my parentage blargh blargh embarrassment blargh blargh.”

Picture Jabba the Hut, but with the face of

The tax revenue will also probably end up being far less then promised. Often after finishing a pipeline the oil company will sue to get their taxes reassesed at a far lower value. Just happened to my really small town. Embridge built a new pipeline. As soon as it finished they got their property taxes reassesed, and

My parents are staunch Deplorables and have had a lot to say about some of the major protest movements since Occupy Wallstreet. The bulk of their pronouncements boil down to whiny crybabies with nothing better to do, begging for handouts, and the other Trumpy soundbites. They appear to view protesting is some sort of


On the contrary, I applaud them for not writing that song.

Hot babes! Ripped hunks! That video has something for everyone except music lovers.

I keep laughing mirthlessly to myself, remembering the days when I was concerned about George W. Bush’s push to the right and extreme Neo-Conservatism.

That’s not a chin, that is a young xenomorph trying to escape through Trump’s lower jaw.

I don’t think electronic voting machines should be allowed because of the fraud potential. They bother me immensely.

We have similar sort of voting system in Oklahoma, except our ballots are not hand counted. We fill out paper ballots and feed them into what looks like a scantron machine, which tallies the votes. The ballots are all kept though so that there’s an actual physical paper record if an election either needs to be

Save that one for the inevitable accusation that liberals can’t handle logic. :D

If I may, I set aside roughly 10% of my income to support a food shelf, a battered women’s shelter, a program that works with at-risk families, a high school that trains young artists, and an agency that aims to help kids do better in school. I also support a number of educational or faith-based programs that have a

My church has none of these things:

Regardless of what you believe vs. I in regards to God’s existence, my church does some absolutely amazing things to help the community with the donations they receive.

I like it. Case in point: The sperm donor whom I had a restraining order against starting at 3 months into my pregnancy, and who was absent for all five years of my son’s life, tried to contest getting his parental rights revoked when my husband filed to adopt my son. He was the only father my son had known. This

Egor claims HE was the breadwinner between the two

I’m all for expanding a kid’s worldview, but Syria is a literal active war zone. If i were in Pitt’s situation, I’d voice some very definite concerns about putting my children in harm’s way as well. We’re not talking about falling off a bike, nobody disputes that people are getting killed regularly and with great

My family has been a Vitamix family for well over a decade. Me and my siblings got them as graduation gifts and continue to use them almost daily. I'll refrain from talking about the hardware. Vitamix's resilient history will speak for itself. What I want to mention is that when my sister's family's house was

My family has been a Vitamix family for well over a decade. Me and my siblings got them as graduation gifts and