
Smith retaliated on his show: “Carr has no excuse for the season he had had. You got Amari Cooper. You got Khalil Mack on defense. You got Bo Jackson running all over defenders. You got one of the best coaches on Earth in John Madden. The only reason the Raiders didn’t win the Dragon Ball is that David Carr done gave

I commend her for sticking to her principles and voting in line with what her constituents sent her to Capitol Hill to do.

I really, honestly applaud that.

However, every time an article is run concerning government workers and contractors (and, again, contractors aren’t guaranteed backpay once this shutdown ends, so

Soft Cell’s “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)”

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

sadly your last point is not correct at all. There will be many well paying jobs waiting for him. Connections >> everytihng else in this country. 

For the love of god, man. Put in some “else if”s in there to reduce unnecessary execution steps, don’t forget your braces around the “then clauses”, and fix your damn spacing and variable naming to conform with standards (you can choose camelBack or snake_case, but choose one or the other).

If we keep doling out slaps on the wrist while worrying about futures that—let’s be honest—will probably be fucking fine (unless all the racists with hiring power in the world have disappeared and I didn’t realize it), we’re creating a culture where “just being a teenager” means doing wildly racist shit with no real

Actual shit Azealia Banks has Tweeted:


Trick question. We all know how good Barron is at the cyber. 

i dont get it

just like when she did it?

Bookmarks are definitely the right choice for things you need to access regularly. These aren’t tabs I need forever, only for a day or two. And bookmarking 70 tabs at once isn’t exactly an easy proposition.

Anyone claiming that the filmmakers just took the idea and filled in a bunch of details nobody knows about, changed timelines and characters to be more relevant, and introduced relationship dynamics that are verified to have never existed are clearly disrespectful young people just out to mock the elderly

Jesus, Clint, they were just having a little fun. And you’re movie was fucking ridiculous.

And as we all know, “based on a true story” always means that every single detail, even every line of dialog, is 100% true and accurate with no embellishment or exaggeration for dramatic effect at all. That 90 year old man really did have 2 threesomes. Not only that, but it was important enough to the story to be

My husband saw Garden State when he was 16 and loved it, and has been telling me to watch it for a few years while also being a bit scared to go back to it. So I did, and... hoooooo boy. It was rough in a mid-period Shyamalan kind of way.

anything with zach braff sucks and is overrated. 

Donnie Darko is a very pretty lake that isn't as deep as it looks. Garden State is the scum that accumulates on that lake when its pH is thrown off.

If someone wanted Pinto destroyed, they'd just have to bump into him at a low speed.