
my complaint is with your idiotic notion that you can do things in the dark that are quite impossible to do. not with the fact that i can do them without the interference of people and the stupid DST change every year.

guy asks for links to studies, rey posts link to a page describing circadian rhythms. cool. 

HAHAHAHAHAHA ok bud. ill be sure to let them know that the internet sensation Rey Carmesi had their best interests in mind when he decided that the world should wake up earlier and live their lives out before they go to work, school, etc.

the sun doesnt set until almost 7 where i am. i can do a ton of outdoor activities after work like hiking, running, playing sports, disc golf, fishing, surfing... you know stuff you cant fucking do at night

fuck you. sincerley, everyone who doesnt want to do shit at 5 am and would rather do shit after 5 pm

they wrote a whole post about it yesterday

why dont you just drop the comment section completely. problem solved. 

is there a valid point in all of this or are we just going around diagnosing people with ptsd due to their proximity to terrorist events. not saying she isnt or wasnt or doesnt suffer from the long-term effects of the Manchester bombing. I just dont see how you can make connections between any of this and not see it

you also clearly dont understand what consent is if you think you have given the same amount of consent to your employer as a rape victim to their rapist. stop playing the victim. there are real victims out in the world.

ummm. no. I go to work bc i agreed to in exchange for cash. if i didnt want to work somewhere i wouldnt. i dont like my job. but liking something isnt equivalent to consenting to participate in it. I dont like this conversation but here i am. i dont like this website but im constantly here. 

emotional stress/ptsd from negligence is a potential source of lucrative lawsuits

so you work for your employer (i assume you’re employed) against your consent? 

fuuuuuck off

so if these shirts were in use for some time prior there would be shots of inmates in those shirts. Do those photos exist?

So if i said, wanna chip in for lunch? You would expect the money you chip in to be used for part of my gas and the movie im going to later that night OR you would expect all of your funds to go to the LUNCH i asked you to chip in for?

what about basketball or baseball?

i can appreciate an effort to educate people on the proper usage of phrases (the worst imo: “intents and purposes” vs. “intensive purposes”; clearly the latter is wrong and all who say it should be put to sea on a raft)


so when do you want to get together and start recording the new eps of our podcast? 

again, i disagree with your ultimate conclusion re: ownership of account and value of said account. you can take out a pen and paper and copy the info, you could also use a xerox to do it... still theft of trade secrets.