That’s a relief, I thought you were going to say the meat comes straight out of a dog food can.
That’s a relief, I thought you were going to say the meat comes straight out of a dog food can.
I am having troubles reading these comments. It would be a whole lot easier if I could find my prescription Ray Bans.
Like others have said , just be nice to everyone and treat them with respect. It is messed up what people in the past did, But just try to be better for it.
How many of those shitty movies have Steve Mnuchins name on them? In one way or another the Trump administration is going to try and ruin everything.
Is your dog a climutt change denier?
The “problem” with the ACA for the GOP is that it’s literally as good as regulated, private-market health insurance gets save for a few tweaks here and there.
So basically you’re saying, “Give up and pay the extortion money.”
sure, a dog can survive on vegetables or garbage - but you’re an asshole if you put your politics in your dog’s food bowl - dogs by their nature are meat eaters - my dog lives on a raw diet - bones and meat in the morning and veggies at night. If you’re so concerned about the planet, don’t have a pet...
From my experience most NASCAR fans are tatooed, foul mouthed drunks, and their husbands.
If a NASCAR fan were flying the Confederate Flag, wouldn’t that be about as disrespectful toward the American Flag as anything in the history of America?
Not for no reason: it’s because you were a threat and a thug and....never mind, it’s for no reason.
I bet he’s okay if they fly confederate flags during the anthem.
Boycott those things all you want, there’s a shit ton of people involved from a vast array of backgrounds that put movies together. In the end it won’t change the fact that the pieces of shit that are deciding and representing “public” policy will still be where they are.
I understand your point, but... the effect on a consumer economy is the same whether your “labor cost reductions” are due to business process improvements or technology. In fact, I have seen time and time again the use of technology to fire all the old skilled (and well paid) workers and hire newbies that can use…
It’s like teaching your child to be responsible about drugs and sex without addressing the fact that they can be fun.
you’re really bending over backwards for some excuses.
I feel sorry for the guy who is holding the cup (not pictured).
What disturbs me most of all in this is that the White House, through Sarah Huckabee Sanders, deigned to comment on this—and more specifically, that they effectively called for Ms. Hill to be fired.
The last time I checked, the First Amendment exists specifically to protect citizens against government retribution for…