Robert Drebin

Millennials already just binge watch shows that been out for ages, so no effect to them.

Thankfully my vent stack is short and detachable, so using the leaf blower method is a huge time saver!

It’s such a shame too! I was really enjoying that show, but head cannon is Henry Cavill.... so laters Netflix!

The first game was extremely memorable and kept you very engaged throughout, but the second I was finding myself falling asleep during the key story plots and most of the new character were very forgettable and boring. 

“Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal” Pablo Picasso

Let’s just end tipping and force a livable wage LOLZ

Do you honestly think traditional radio will even be around within the next couple of decades? Most radio stations are already an hybrid with FM and internet based listening.

This is perfect example for adopting emerging technologies or get left behind in the dust! I will continue to support both organic artist and machine artist. 

You’re right! Refusing the use of a tool to get more reach for potential sponsors or donations that they claim to need to survive is not losing. 

Only if it’s not true! The fact of the matter is that they do receive federal funding in the form of grants which you can find on the official website, but I digress.

Well one is a generic zombie show, which get views no matter what because people love some zombies and the other is a fantastic adaptation of a beloved franchise that catered to all the fans of the series.

Well they’re giving up the opportunity for more investors/sponsors that they claim they desperately need by no longer using this particular SM site for extra reach. 

If got nothing from Twitter then why would they be so upset about the labeling? 

I feel like I’ve seen this before in another generic zombie show? But I can’t put my finger on which one,,,,

Them giving up so easily seems very fishy. 

I thought the last of us ended already?

Well whatever they decide to do... I just hope it another rehash of the first trilogy and less corny with the force floating in space scene. 

He’s just a troll trolling trolls lolz, if I was one of the riches people on the planet I would troll people too. 

It just depends on how you take care of your tech! lolz I’ve turned my old media center HP desktop from 2008 into a arcade cabinet for when I do LAN parties or other celebrations!

Being part a huge discord server for north Georgia where some of the hardcores we’re dropping on average 100$ per week on remote raids have now announced that they won’t be raiding remote anymore with some of them even selling their old accounts for good money!