Robert Drebin

Ahh yes! Wishing death for sharing an opinion! How very Repulicrat of you! lol

I am ready for the next great civilization to take over! Whether it’s the next evolution of humans, machines or other foreign entities! Maybe they’ll actually follow biology or science.

Yawnnnnn! I thought we were supposed to be dead by now?

Gears, MFS, State of Decay, Psychonauts 2, Forza, Fable, Etc

All this hate-worshipping keeps him doing this kind of stuff! lolz

It’s even more generic by adding those in lol because everyone is doing! 

Correction! it’s a generic post apocalyptic world with generic antagonists in form of fascist and zombies.

Lolz, Sounds like they need to step up their game when it comes to first party games and not to rely on COD to produce sells! Especially when there’s market for the first party games on PC.

Lolz, Sounds like they need to step up their game when it comes to first party games and not to rely on COD to produce sells! Especially when there’s market for the first party games on PC. 

High praise for a generic zombie show, but big stinkers for something different.

And this coming from a website that hate-worships the man. lol

You mean you guys don’t feel the wind whenever playing games? Wild! I have been feeling it since my Atari days in form of open windows or ceiling fans. lol

Yea! Don’t buy another generic zombie game!

Meh, it’s just another generic zombie game another walking dead show. 

Undead humans being controlled by a pathogen, so yeah zombies

Organics will suffer, but the planet will be fine. I am for the machines or other forces to takeover. 

Ahh yes, libertarians bad, but same coin political groups are super solid. 

Wow! They’re innovating rubbish now! How groundbreaking!

I say! Give me the wiener prints/bulges along with the up skirts.