Robert Drebin

Or be like me and the other 27 people who still buy CDs and rip them to our computers/phones. 

Or invest that same money into a VPN and sign up for a free plex server and enjoy the songs you like for FOREVER! 

Its almost as if they don’t recognize all those people striking right now and realize this is near the top of the list of concerns. Disney has made its intentions clear: Writers and actors... your days are numbered.

You guys keep reporting on this like it’s big bad old Facebook vs. Canada, when it’s really a Liberal government that has no clue what it’s doing. Important for democracy? Maybe they should have allowed for more discussion and public discourse. Maybe it would apply to more than a couple platforms.

Meanwhile, Yellow trucking laid off 3ok workers, including 22k Teamsters today.

And robots put more men out of jobs.
Any automation of any job will put more of ‘someone’ out of work.

These stories should not be focused or men or women, but on people.

Pointing out the truth = attacked a fandom of yeehaws

Not a comment on you, but more so on that about snowflakes. 

I believe the technical term is “Y’all Quaeda”

Studio work uses 300 pieces of software that didn’t exist in 1999, but we draw the line at 301 pieces of software!

Like this site and other media sites, it’ll be another biased censorship just like last election, but probably on much scarier level.

I’m on the fence about hoisting the colors. On the one hand, a portion of union supporters not giving money to the conglomerates is very appealing. But pressure to continue to produce for ravenous fanbases is also quite appealing. Both have their drawbacks. One’s blatantly illegal, and may spur the companies to lean

You can help by sailing of the high seas of the internet and not fund the overpaid executives, actors, union chumps. 

No, the fires were clearly caused by Jewish space lasers.

I wonder if this was cause by Trudeau donors like the fires in California caused by democratic donor Edward Fredrick Wackerman?

As an artist I feel the same.

This is perfect example for adopting emerging technologies or get left behind in the dust! I will continue to support both organic artist and machine artist. 

You’re wasting your time. This site is a Liberal echo chamber. You’ll never change their views.