
I disagree, those officers deserve praise, too.


And cam-less engines are not a new concept. And they still aren’t “here” until they are mass produced and proven not to fail catastrophically. Most engines are interference... now instead of worrying about 1 timing belt/chain failing... you’d have to worry about 8 to 32 actuators failing. I’m not saying this isn’t the

Life, in general, is disguisting. Take a lion, for example... she sits there staring at other living animals and decides “that animal needs to be in my stomach” (OK, these may not be her exact thoghts)... then proceeds to chase down a living creature, and violently murder it, often eating its innards before it even

That’s exactly why. They do this in some public buildings, too.

Adopting a child in the US already takes many thousands AND a long time. The system is broken. That’s why so many couples go out of country.

Anyone at that game would’ve appeared to be an insane fan... how could you not? What an awesome game... those kids have a great story to tell.

No outrage. Just saddened by your view. Get on with your life, I am.

Your ridiculous POC / woman comment. There are plenty of diva types that are non white and women. Diva is a female term! Your pathetic attempt to put race / sex into this is sad. This guy is an a-hole... his position of power (which can easliy be occupied by a woman or POC) is why people tolerate it. Go cry race

Please stop it... just stop.

Confused. I thought you had to use a Mac to be creative :-/

Truly a pathetic response. Can’t wait for life to throw you a curve ball. Remember your comment when that day comes.

What happens if your side mirrors break off after hitting a flock of seagulls? Or your center mirror falls off because your pet monkey went ballistic, leaping from the back seat after seeing his reflection? What happens if your tires pop going 75mph?! Let’s go back to wooden tires.

You sound like my wife who shops for overpriced shoes. ‘A pair of boots retailing for $400 and marked down to the amazingly low price of $225! Way, if I buy these I’ll be saving $175! I’m awesome.’

That is exactly right. Tesla better hurry and make more cars while the iron is hot... the crutch holding them up (subsidies) will soon be no more.

I agree. I’ve not been a big fan of Tesla to date, mostly because their cars are novelties (luxury cars)... and won’t really make an impact. But with this car being <$30k after rebates! That is awesome. I have no idea how they can do this cheaper than the Bolt... but I am truly impressed.

Ha! I must not have been clear. My use of ‘reverse racism’ (which is a ridiculous term) was to highlight just how ridiculous your claim of racism in the NFL is.

Yeah, blacks are so under represented in the NFL... and being black and all, he definitely feels like an outsider in this league. And clearly the public cannot come to grips with a black man playing football :-/

What I learned from this experience is simple: most AUTOMOBILE owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.

When parents raise kids on TV and iPads, they reap what they sow on car trips. Raise your kids reading (lots of it), have them draw, do crosswords (or any puzzle games). This develops critical thinking and gives them something many kids lack... an attention span. I cringe when I pass vans along the road (not even on