Human Almighty

Good point, but you need to look at it from the point of view of the new species. There will be no need to fight or "kill the planet". We will become the people of the Sun, Vacuum and Radiation :) We will take the energy from the light of distant suns, radiation from the Big Bang. I think if that would happen our

Why neutralize cancer cells, let's all become homo grapheni. We will live eternal lives :)

Mom... please....


OMG I pissed my pants! Samsung has one round endge!

I do mind, but it's tempting to invent something, patent it and patiently wait.... MWAHAHAHAHAHA

Go to the local bar/pub. See a single lady and observe the "gnats" swarm around her as the time passes. Micro world rules apply to our macro world too :)

Damn... it's pretty profitable to be a patent-troll :)

Oh I know, and you... live your foreskinless life...

LOL, thats what I am talking about :)

Poor dudes with their foreskin removed... To give you a sample picture I will write only this: blonde/brunette/hands/oil. Rest is up to your imagination. You are lacking the WHOLE ecstatic experience!


Morpholino, that doesn't sound quite safe...

I say lets bomb it, until these machines are still on the ground.

Future will tell.

Bull-khem-shit! Navigation, traffic, weather, entertainment, Siri, Angry Birds, iTunes Store, NSA, porn... these services rely on network availability. Without it you will command Siri "drive me home" and she will triangulate your location because network was down and you will end up in some shit hole instead.

Oh crap :) true :) What a fail!!!!

These are going to be effin huge datacenters. Just for Siri and iMesssage plus iTunes traffic??? I think something bigger is on the way, like Apple autonomous iCar, driven by Siri, to decrease the lag they need servers in Europe too. Would be pretty nasty if the ping was high and their cars started to hit each other

Apple has just announced that it is to invest €1.7 billion. That strange letter means Euro.

Sure I am not so really :P