Very fishy to me. As a Navy veteran, I can tell you that on top of all the highest technological radar and early warning equipment, our ships have more people on deck with binoculars than the stands at a NASCAR event. I honestly can’t see any legit reason this could happen.
did these game always take themselves this seriously? or is it just the trailer? i’ve never actually played this franchise, but at first this trailer pulled me in, the planes look gorgeous. then when the “princess” stuff kicks in halfway through it just makes me think of battlefield / COD setpiece campaigns, now i’m…
Man, thats gonna be one gorgeous looking boring ass game.
Hate to break it to you, but they just didn’t trust you to bring halal food.
“Knock knock.”
As the Designated Asian© here I grant immunity over “RiceMan”. Too perfect.
* insert TOP GUN gif here *
Well the more you fire, the more the enemy has to shoot down. Build enough and you might overwhelm their defensive counter measures.
If you aren’t already scared to death about global warming, then this should rock you back a bit. When the ice goes, so does Florida. And when Florida goes, we are all moving north. We will live next door to you. Be your neighbors. Date your daughters.
Also there is an online Halo 5 World Championship Qualifier for amateur teams to break the scene today at 2pm eastern.
Oddly enough, I am the opposite. I enjoyed the original Halo trilogy and cannot for the life of me understand the circlejerk that is Overwatch.
Konami is shit, news at 11.
That looks like it'd be pretty badass with the Q wrapped 'round a limb :D
Uh, that is the character for "peace" or "safety". Not sure where you're getting "cheap" from.