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    The nerds on here will nitpick anything.

    The more jobs Maisie gets the better. She's great and it'd be nice for her to have a more substantial career.

    Unfortunately. And those people are objectively stupid.

    I prefer Arya much more over Jon. She's way more interesting and watching Jon brood each season is old.

    I know that you guys don't really like her but I love Arya. She doesn't play around.

    I meant the game, but that works too.

    Arya is the MVP of my world. Maisie absolutely killed it.

    If Arya does seduce Trant, I really hope people won't complain about it.

    The child prostitution scene offered Arya a way to kill Trant.

    With Arya though? Really?

    We'll see what happens. But I don't think it will.

    Arya won't pose as a prostitute. Too obvious for the show to do. And I doubt that they'd chance taking a character like Arya and putting her in a situation like that.

    She graduated to face-changing. We won't see anymore sponging or sweeping.

    Arya getting shafted again for titty and a Sam sex sceneā€¦..

    Arya has been so absent that it makes me paranoid about her future on the show. Please don't be another Bran.

    Sansa has been the most interesting Stark. Then Bran, then Robb, then Rickon, and last is Arya.

    Do people seriously do that? With Arya?


    Exactly. Her journey has been a breeze and she still whines. Sansa, on the other hand, faces things and lives on without causing a fuss. Arya just plain sucks. I can't watch her scenes anymore. May have to fast-forward.

    Everybody loves the Jon Snow/Nights Watch scenes. And, before tonight, most also loved the Winterfell plot. Most are complaining about the Arya scenes and Dorne.