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    With how the story is, she's not going to be doing anything of note.

    Why is Arya in this show, even? I know the character is popular but her storyline is confusing and nobody is enjoying it. What a waste of budget. I say that they should cut her storyline and give more time to Winterfell, the Wall, Kings Landing, and Tyrion.

    Being useless, ugly, and whining over everything?

    Trust me, Arya's storyline isn't worth the wait.

    I think it's safe to say that nobody cares about Arya's pointless, boring story arc and that they should have traded her for Bran. Seriously, all I've seen are complaints.

    If the rumors are true and Arya doesn't appear next season, I won't be mad. Braavos has been disappointing (not that we've spent much time with it.)

    I doubt that would happen, but eh. I think they should just take a break with the Arya plot next season.

    No Arya this week. And, based on the synopsis and preview, no Arya next week either. She's only in two of the five episodes so far.

    Her thoughts and feelings aren't important in the course of things though. What people do around her is way more interesting.

    Someone once said that Sansa is more of a camera than a character. What they meant by that is that Sansa is not interesting herself and doesn't really do much, but functions as a way to see characters who are actually interesting and contribute in some actual way. It was on point.

    That's not why some people love Arya. And that's not why some people hate Sansa. You're basing general opinion on shitheads.

    And then people consider all of those who do not enjoy Sansa or her chapters to feel that way. But that isn't the truth. For some people, she's just not interesting to them. Yet Sansa's fans consider it some sort of attack.

    Arya's too easy to like. We have to like the one whose chapters are a trial because it's much more socially acceptable on the internet.

    So you can't dislike her character/arc if you dislike it…in the wrong way? Ugh.

    Is it frowned upon to simply not be a fan of Sansa or her character arc? That seems to be the case with ASOIAF/GoT fans…

    What I said doesn't require being thrilled about seducing. I'm talking about her simply doing it. And that is a boring concept and overused in this series (and in general).

    I feel the same way. She's turning into an aggressive "player." I'd like some variety here instead of more of those.

    Season 4, I mean. And, no, not really. She's good at crying but the "shall we go" scene was just stupid.

    So nothing happened in that chapter.
    I used to love Sansa, but this corny faux-empowerment Alayne is dull and the storyline is losing me. She's basically Margaery now. How many femme fatales, GRRM? How many?

    Her acting leaves much to be desired though. Her last scene in season 5 was cringe-worthy.