People always suggest this, but the problem is that they made the Reapers too, well, mundane for that to really work.
People always suggest this, but the problem is that they made the Reapers too, well, mundane for that to really work.
My anger was directed at how Legion sacrificed himself to create a lasting peace between the Quarians and the Geth and the Reapers are all like Biological and Technological Species can’t get along. There was no hey look see the Quarians and the Geth and how they are working and living together? I worked hard to get to…
While I respect your “I play games to hang out with characters I love” perspective, I will never understand it.
The ending was lame, with the expanded version being less (but still) lame, but the game itself was great. I never regretted playing it, and I’ve replayed the entire trilogy even knowing what was coming.
They’ve already had 3 patches lol they will have it done this year, if anything this asshat delayed the next patch. jesus.
What a fucking scumbag. CDPR doesn't deserve to be absolved of the things its done, but blackmail like this is gross. The kid needs to be caught and repeatedly kicked in the balls / vagina
Who wrote the ransom? A bunch of 12 year olds?
This is a pretty horrid situation.
Hard to take the “hackers” seriously when they write like that.
How embarrassing.
Does anyone take them seriously? Or are their complaints automatically dismissed simply because of their sex?
The double jump is probably one of the single best upgrades to buy early if you want more options to get into places. Story missions seem to shy away from requiring high stat investment to bypass hazards or grant access to out of the way places, but gigs and side missions frequently do demand some skill levels to get…
i mean, if Claire isn’t into it, you can’t control them and force them.
You think medpacks is bad? try upcrafting common components to legendary. It’s nuts how long it takes.
It must be more than that on PC as it was nearly half a gig patch and in one intensive area on my 2080 (the med-centre) what was typically a drop to around 45fps when driving is now a solid 60fps.
The city itself is pretty remarkable. After 50 hours, I haven’t fast traveled once because I genuinely enjoy walking through the city like a tourist.
They aren’t a very rounded developer, IMO, given they are supposed to be some top-tier AAA publisher.
Hell, I’m having an absolute blast with it on PS4 Pro, especially after the last patch. As a Bethesda RPG fan, trying to convince me not to play a game because it’s buggy is like telling me not to eat fast food because it’s unhealthy. Not saying it’s acceptable, but my tolerance for these sorts of things is quite high.
Because nobody on PC is going to judge a game based how it runs on an 8 year old Ps4. That is like judging a game based on the garbage Switch version
I’m enjoying it on PC. It’s kind of interesting watching the dichotomy of seeing this game win various game of the year awards in the PC circles, and being reviled in the console crowd.