I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women and children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:
I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women and children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:
Don’t follow a good point with something stupid.
Utter nonsense.
Her accusations haven’t changed, Hillary is just all over the news now. Moreover, how is Broaddrick’s timing different than Anita Hill’s? Seriously.
Is that next to the special place in hell that any women who doesn't vote for Hillary goes?
Everyone has some kind of an excuse for their shitty behavior, including Bill. Nobody does that kind of thing, or anything, in a complete vacuum.The only difference is that if we like that person (or anyone else with a similar excuse), their excuse is automatically valid. If not, they’re just a piece of shit.
Is that what Camille Cosby is accused of?
Hillary is accused of being complicit in the personal destruction of the women who have accused bill of sexual assault and rape, including their reputations and credibility.
Is that like what Hillary is accused of?
If our system elected the President based solely on the popular vote, that would actually matter. But it doesn’t. He didn’t earn enough votes where he needed them (Florida and/or his home state of Tennessee).
Pickles are not a side, and I fully support starting another civil war over the matter.
How do the Clintons believe in real people? What the hell did they do in the 90s besides not be Ronald Reagan? He killed welfare. He passed insane crime bills. He sent gays into the closet for 20 more years. He capitulated again and again. He bombed the shit out of half the planet. He sexually harassed woman after…
You can listen to it here and draw your own conclusions.
How is it used these days? Guys riding in a pack mentality, trying to act tough, are thugs.
“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”
I seem like a parent who is responsible for my kids, who was raised by parents that took their own responsibilities seriously.