
Typical low IQ demotard

She knew and then took part in a smear campaign again and again to protect their political futures

does Obama keep up any relationships with black Pastors?

How dare Trump cause more of this violence! Enough already with his Nazi rallies!

Nice to see the Taxi industry check cleared again

There’s really no hard evidence that Hillary has been awful to the women Bill had affairs with.

Always there to lie for the Clintons - listen to the whole thing and get back to us about how you really feel about Hillarys amusement at getting this child rapist released after only a few months.

See none of those are sides you stupid hick ( kidding, about the hick thing )

I expect Bill Clinton will now attend the RNC what with all this available pussy to grope

By aren't you liberls interested in Bill Clintons rapes?

You are correct inn ll ways but will be called a bigot. The leftists have changed the objection like the good Soviet style stooges they and the state run propaganda organs ( nytimes et all ) have fallen in line with the lie

Will these women be in Binders by any chance? For review

fuck the bikers - wish she shot them all

not even close

Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.

Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.

Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.

Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.

Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.

yeah stick with the Dems - here is your hero smearing the women her husband raped