Hulk Rogan

Those Gammel illustrations are potent, man.

This was one of the weirder moments of MoS. Asshole truck driver is acting like a drunk asshole, Super Jesus decides not to throw him out despite him harassing a waitress and trying to harm him (Because Super Jesus is Jesus I guess?), and Super Jesus decides to trash his truck in the most disproportionate retribution

Sea travel is just too hazardous for humans. We only have sail boats and the sea is treacherous. Not enough room on the boat to grow food and we have to take everything in barrels, even fresh water. Many trips we attempted to the next continent almost resulted in a total loss of life. There are many that we did. I

How a Batman v. Superman fight ends:

This is what I personally have been affected by as a person who has stumbled upon grow sites, and agree 100% that legalization is the only answer. I get pretty frustrated when I tell people not to buy stuff they know was grown in the State of Jefferson places, and they get all defensive. I like weed. I hate that it is

Agree with all of that, except the notion that illegal grows are a small problem. They aren’t. They are the worst fucking thing.

So, craft beer is not a problem because the stuff it comes from grows out of state where they have plenty of water.

So, legalize the weed across all 50 states and we can grow the stuff where they have water, and ship it to us. We’ll have to teach people in those states how to grow pot that doesn’t look like it’s been

Sounds a lot like religion.


Maybe he *is* Jay Garrick, just took on the name Allen after he lost his powers....

That’s exactly my problem too, and from the comments I keep getting apparently no one gets this.