Hulk Rogan

I have vivid memories of being terrified of this illustration during what must have been 2nd or 3rd grade. For some reason that little clock on top of the dresser made me refuse to have a clock anywhere in my room for weeks. As if just setting the scene would manifest this...whatever the hell it is.

I’ve always thought the same thing. Had he just done his actual job and escorted that trucker out of the bar the whole problem would have been solved. He’s Superman so he could have been nice about it while still being firm. Maybe even talked to the guy and helped him turn his life around.

I understand the desire to be realistic but c’mon.

In all the fan casting of Captain Marvel I haven’t seen Gwendoline Christie mentioned anywhere. I’m now %100 team Gwendoline. Any ambitious photoshoppers?

I feel like if they just covered that face hole, the eye part at the very least, it might be kind of awesome and Judge Dredd-y. Instead, he just looks embarrassed to have a face.

I honestly didn’t (still don’t) realize how awful illegal grows are. I do believe that we don’t fix the problems with illegal grows by keeping growing illegal. You instead legalize them and make it in the growers’ economic interest to do things above board. You regulate what they do and even publish how they operate

This is exactly the right solution. What is so funny is that some people think that it’s just hippies or stoners or (derogatory left-wing adjective of choice) that want pot to be legal. But this is so clearly a pro-business solution to this problem. At the same time it’s environmentally responsible.

If people are losing their minds over the fact that we got to see dragons, it’s not because the show made a narrative misstep. It’s because we live in an age where we get to see dragons realized on TV in a quasi-believable way. The tech making a dragon appear real is cool. But if you look beyond that, you realize that

Granted we’re cheering for a Dragon who killed innocent people as well as harpies, a dragon who killed people trying to protect Kallisi

I understand that if something isn’t selling, it’s not in a companies best interest to produce that product. So maybe stand alone Black Widow action figures have no market. But what is telling is that Black Widow isn’t even included in the Avengers action figure packs. As if the mere inclusion of her will make those

I’m really hoping it’s Italian Spider-man.

I take your point and think we are making two different arguments based on different assumptions. If there are alternate timelines and Flash, or whoever, is just jumping in between them then you’re totally right. That’s not a big deal. Assuming travel between each is possible then it doesn’t really matter at all. I

First of all, that photo is amazing.

I love this so much. Especially if there is a chance that we could see him in the Jay Garrick costume. How great would John Wesley Shipp look in this?

I have heard of this in other places and am delighted to see this brought up again here. This is such a deeply personal phenomenon that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. Any time I’ve brought it up people seem so relieved because they (and I) have believed their whole lives that it was just them. Knowing that

I would argue that you remember nothing after death and don’t feel it, so no real loss. If people have to remember for loss to exist then by this logic if the entire human race was wiped out, then no real loss. The very fact that Cisco (and possibly Barry, since he remembered the alternate timeline as well) will

I realize this is a much longer philosophical debate, but they DO lose their whole lives. Those 15 years worth of experiences have created unique people with unique consciousnesses, motivations, desires, etc. Erasing those 15 years destroys those people. While it does create new people, those other people are gone,

I have a lot of sympathy for the people losing their jobs and for the disruption of their local economies. This is going to be painful. However, this sort of disruption is inevitable. Instead of crying about it (I’m not suggesting you or anyone else is) reports like this should be taken as early warnings.

I liked this episode, largely for the emote-monster that is Grant Gustin. Damn that dude goes for it. My biggest complaint is that no one addressed the fact that Barry changing the past is the same as killing everyone he knows. Sure, there will be other versions of these people, but Joe, for instance, has a very

I think I’m alone in liking rebooted continuity. The serialized format, with character’s never aging, consequences not mattering, death being temporary, etc. doesn’t really make sense for these characters (both Marvel and DC). My complaint is that continuities seem to be rebooted haphazardly. It would be nice to see