Angela’s entire story this season seems to be her trying to prove she’s smarter/more clever than people think she is while her every action proves she’s exactly as smart/clever as people think she is.
Angela’s entire story this season seems to be her trying to prove she’s smarter/more clever than people think she is while her every action proves she’s exactly as smart/clever as people think she is.
Slip in some Siouxsie and the Banshees or Gang of Four next.
The question I want to ask is, who is the more sane personality; Elliot or Mr. Robot? As much as Mr. Robot is the alter, it seems that he is the one with his head screwed on tight. He is the one trying to stay out of danger. Trying to keep the two of them out of everyone’s clutches. Meanwhile, Elliot is just bouncing…
Angela is becoming such a really bad character.
My favorite thing about io9 is the lectures.
“Someone grabbed my ****** at an SF Convention...!”
Leto’s Joker (what we saw of him) seemed like a theatrical gangster. It’s a different character than Ledger was playing, and I’m fine with that. It’s a different take, which is appropriate because mimicing Ledger’s Joker wouldn’t have worked.
The show has a serious case of Gilligan’s Island syndrome... another season of good ideas that don’t go anywhere! I tune in to be wowed by the zombie apocalypse & instead get serial killer of the week.
The cycle, played out over and over again: 1) Group loses hope. 2) Group loses morality. 3) Group finds a moral center who reminds them that humanity is good. 4) Group regains hope. 5) Moral center is killed. 6) Group loses hope.
Also, they should get rid of most of the zombies at this point. They’ve been wandering around in the woods for two or three years at least, and human flesh would decompose over the course of a few days or weeks. Most people are dead at the beginning of the series, so there shouldn’t be hordes of zombies still roaming…
The comics were boring, too. I read up to the Alexandria storyline, and then gave up.
Don’t be a pissy fanboy. I’ve invested enough time into this slogfest that I can be as fucking critical of it as I want.
Yep... I didn’t even finish the last season finale. For me it’s not so much about tension but there’s nothing to say.
You’d think they would just stay in the woods at this point
And yet somehow at present all of the major characters are in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night, about to have their heads bashed in by another group of roving bad people. They built up Alexandria only to raise the stakes when they tear it down. Just like the farm, or Woodbury, or the Prison. They…
TWD is starting to become boring. How many more times can they escape some bad people only to wander around in the woods until they meet some more, worse people? I can’t imagine this show being interesting after 12 seasons, but if they do string it out that long, they need to start turning things around, and make it…
Signal! Signal that virtue!
You’re the one who can’t read an article for what it actually says, and then is offended when someone promotes safety.
They sell hardcore porn at comic conventions in Japan. Maybe you shouldn’t be such a prude.
So we’re supposed to be afraid of information now. Great.