It’s crazy how easy it is to not shoot someone.
It’s crazy how easy it is to not shoot someone.
If you can machine your own barrel, you likely aren’t going to a wizard convention to buy guns.
Guns are evil. Totemic representations of guns are therefore also evil, by principle of <mumblemumble>. Speaking words aloud about guns summons the power of their evil, and must therefore be silenced. All rational people know this.
Oh my god gun safety!! Triggered!!
The hypocrisy of this selective outrage is beyond bullshit. If the phrase “even if” is used, the argument is lost -“even if it was only selling fake guns.” Fake guns like real swords and knives are a staple of conventions and cosplay.
See, this right here is an example of why Gawker deserves to get shut down. You can’t just report a story, oh no, you have to interject your adgenda into the story and spin it your way.
I find it hypocritical as hell that a convention that glorifies combat and martial prowess shut down a vendor that was following the rules.
Seriously. lol
Personally I think it's silly to discourage anyone who wants to promote gun safety.
So, they were doing something completely legal, selling replica weapons. And you support them getting shut down? Thanks for showing your crappy political leanings. They shut down a perfectly good booth that helps fandom.
These days it’s a lot easier machining your own receiver.
Oh no...evil guns again! How will we ever live! Pretty hypocritical to ban a gun company but your little convention is full of imagery that degrades women and promotes all sorts of yummy violence.
Since it is illegal to sell “submachine gun bits” in the United States, I am guessing that they might have been selling “semi-automatic firearm” bits which are legal. And seriously, with the number of guns owned by criminals (not subject to universal background checks, by the way), it makes a lot of sense to me for…
Cut them some slack. Everyone at Gawker is busy working on their resume.
Aww show me on the doll where the big scary gun touched you.
A booth that was promoting gun safety and props was unpleasant? You need to get out more. You’re fragile little mind is clearly not warped enough.
What a bunch of pussies we’ve become.
You can always count on io9's freedom hating feminazis and beta males to find expressions of the 2nd amendment not to their liking.
Unpleasant? You do realize that there is no difference between getting killed by a gun and a sword, right? Dead is dead. Bullets don’t magically make you more dead. There’s no difference between this booth and the booth offering to teach people real swordfighting techniques. The person walking around with a foam mace…
How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be…