Thanks for telling us how empathetic you are.
Thanks for the lecture, Toni.
“This is what I imagine it’ll feel like being Hamilton Nolan in about ten years.”
He is not wrong.
Jezebel is part of a sustained effort to delegitimize America’s first orange President.
Shouldn’t Gawker be posting the pics? That’s kind of their thing, right?
The real winners are all the SJW keyboard outrage warriors who are so quick to point out every slight, real or imagined. What would we do without their tweets?
Hopefully she will also be the first woman to lose an election for president.
If she doesn’t want to vote, she shouldn’t. Not voting is a legitimate option, and is preferable to having some uninformed idiot vote on the basis of... What? Peer pressure? Advertising? Some other bullshit reason?
Hillary is already one naggy bitch too many.
When I blow up a church I’m a “terrorist” but when Cersei does it everyone cheers.
Funny, I lived in New Orleans at the time and I recall thinking all the whining after Katrina was pretty blatant, over-the-top opportunism. It was a shitty situation all around, but the attempt to blame political opponents or turn it into a race issue, rather than a disaster which simply overwhelmed the available…
I don’t get cosplay. I don’t enjoy seeing cosplayers, and most of the time I fell embarrassed for them.
Yeah, I was wondering about that because nothing in the trailer looked the WOW game I've played.
I always thought “Fag” meant “an inconsiderate person who rides a Harley Davidson around and ruins everbody’s nice time.”
Wrong. It would put the people who signed the NDA and leaked to him in the wrong. NDAs are only enforceable against the people who actually signed them.
Not really. Even assuming HBO has a NDA in place, it would only bind the signatories to it, not an unrelated third party. If HBO knows who is doing the leaking, they can enforce the NDA against their own staff member. Not someone else completely.