Gawker's $115M Hulk Judgment

Fiduciary duties to shareholders obligate them not to take actions that tank their market value and expose them to a shareholder derivative suit. It’s not as simple as Not Government = Censor Whatever We Want!

Corporate citizens don’t have any duty to fight for a particular cause- they have an obligation to execute their corporate charter and to create value for their shareholders. The notion that corporations have some obligation to sign up for your pet project is pretty repugnant. Some things in life can and should be

I don’t think it is necessarily about an agenda. Some parents may simply want to control the discussions they have with their children about sex, rather than have a beloved movie franchise prompt those conversations. I’m sure people in the Star Wars universe masturbate, too... but there is no reason we need to see

That isn’t an argument I’ve made, but I will address it. In real life, people’s sexuality is rarely made explicit. In stories, even less so. Just as with Chekhov’s gun, elements of story have to serve the narrative. Owen and Beru exist not to represent heterosexuality, but to frame Luke Skywalker’s upbringing. Even

I still enjoy the show and I will still watch, but I stopped caring about the characters or what happens a while ago. Gee, I wonder if the gang will stumble around in the woods for a while before coming across another group of humans who are EVEN WORSE than the last batch.

Or a two-hour season premiere with an extra 55 minutes of advertising, like the last season finale was.

We were talking about the clientele, not Jabba. So you know the sex, gender, and orientation of every person and alien in Jabba’s palace?

io9 must have sent a memo to all of their writers that they can’t talk about this movie without complaining about Megan Fox being in it.


How does a bikini imply heterosexuality? Do lesbians hate bikinis or something?

Almost like he is a sleazy gangster crime lord or something.

Maybe he’s not, and he is just catering to his clientele. You know, like a sleazy club owner might.

It doesn’t matter- but in a film series in which sexuality has never been an important factor, inserting a gay character in a such a way that their sexual orientation is made explicit would be awkward at best. Not talking about sexual identity at all is always a legitimate option.

This is fucking dumb. If someone implores you to do a thing, and you decide to do it, the fact that someone implored you to do it doesn’t negate your decision. Internal dialogues are pretty impossible to represent in movies, which is why other characters often advocate various courses of action to the protagonist. It

So what wasn’t in the original? Frodo? The ring? Gollum? Mt. Doom?

For the most part “Tolkien scholars” just means über nerds who would never have been satisfied with any movie.

Every time some dork posts about this I am reminded to be grateful that it never got made. It looks like a terrible abortion of a movie that shits on the entire concept of Dune. This project ended up exactly where it belonged.

I loved those books as a kid.

People who make this claim about the novel don’t have a clear understanding of what that term means.

Have you ever known a musician, say a guitar player, who was very technically proficient and could play very well but never wrote a song or only ever attempted to play covers? I’ve known many. I think there is a big difference between skill and creativity. Preferably, they go hand in hand, but one without the other