People (me) who live in hot humid places have no choice, bread at room temperature turns into penicillin overnight. Yes, it dries out in the fridge, BUT microwaving it for 15 or 20 seconds returns it to its former moist (yeah, I said it) glory.
People (me) who live in hot humid places have no choice, bread at room temperature turns into penicillin overnight. Yes, it dries out in the fridge, BUT microwaving it for 15 or 20 seconds returns it to its former moist (yeah, I said it) glory.
Brrrr...sounds like this (creepiest 70s miniseries EVER)
Coming up, James Cameron explains how Spike could have represented black people better in Do The Right thing...
Tom mean Malkovich v. 2.0
Oh hell no. That must be creepy AF. I always wondered how the people who were directly responsible for the spurious accusation/prosecution (Also, see WM3) conduct themselves in the community after the entire thing has been proved bogus? I mean are there still factions walking around supporting the original charges and…
Just what I was going to say, although I’d call out Sally Jesse (and Dini Petty north of the border) as a much more active participant than Opes, who was really just starting out. But Unca Phil, yes, absolutely.
Watch that GIF enough and it starts to look exactly like the lady behind Schumer is squeezing out a brutal one-cheek-sneak. I hope the seats are padded or she’s getting busted for sure.
Shit fire, have his squinky little eyes always been that freakishly close together?? If so, it explains a lot...
I’m starting to get kind of tired of this conversation happening nearly every week:
Actually, this:
Sorry, can you hear me through the tinfoil??
And he always looks like he smells real bad. Considering how SC always looks like she smells real good, I’m nay saying on the romance deal.
This literally made my stomach turn over. Brothers making jokes about killing sisters. Big win for whitey.
Just as well, really. Because if any of them DID end up measuring 3.14 feet, well, they’d be screwed.
For a person who prizes (or at least did at a young age) a dignified appearance above all else, that kind of experience can be devastating beyond all reason.
I’m a little more used to being about 10-15% of the population, but, yeah, imagine a world where 40% are dudes, but ladies call all the shots and are at complete liberty to derail or even disappear any male input when it gets stupid or inconsiderate. AND the dudes are happy with the arrangement!!
The Commander in Skeeve...
I’m doing a lot as a public servant and jester to the American public.