
I feel bad for your poor, addled, broken post-millennial mind that you’re capable of making a pop-culture reference to a Batman show from the 60's, but go on the warpath when someone makes fun of Halliburton because 20 years ago might as well be prehistory for you.

I’m sorry I made fun of you. :(

The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.

Oh, I though the big tomato drama was this.

I especially like the part where he fakes the pass to the corner and is wearing a Clippers jersey when he spins back to the lane.

This isn’t even the most incredible article about ball fakes this week:

Personally, I think it’s extremely good and not horrifically scary that our country is run by a grotesque cabal of sundowning racist grandpas.

... what the fuck

Why? Did the alternative meat products touch you in a bad way? If so then i get that stance. If not then it seems really weird to hate having more choices.

When you think about it, Robin Lopez actually did not get the defensive rebound.

An embryo at 6-8 weeks is not a person, not a child, not even a fetus. It has no “heartbeat” because there is no heart. It doesn’t feel pain. If you are a Christian who believes that life begins at conception, then you also have to believe that God lets over 50% of human life die, as half of fertilized eggs fail to

I don’t care who they cast as long as he wears a chainmail vest.

Ohh c’mon. That is not entirely fair to say. Baku is a city in the middle of nowhere that is impossible to get to. Nobody would live there if there wasn’t oil. And nobody would ever want to go there unless there was a sporting event. Also, it is full of bigots that are inhospitable to outsiders.

The idea of Trump is the sucker-ass belief in meritocracy, in hoary old Great Man bullshit, twisted into its most horrible gargoyle incarnation. He’s rich and famous, he’s the president of the country, and therefore it just simply must be the case that he has earned this station for himself, one way or another, via

Today in “human beings perplexingly defending other human beings that were being assholes” ...

Our whole nation seems to be governed by the sunk cost fallacy.

Today in “human beings are selfish assholes” ...

Fuck off terf. 

But how else would you strike up a conversation with a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket after meeting at Citibank? Gotta have that pen at the ready.