
The Man Who Knew Too Little

55 because it’s 5 sets of 11; they use the metric system up there. Plus, any more and you’d start to look like an alcoholic.

So those two shitty players are just part of the rebuilding years. Oh no, it’ll take 4 years to get out from this super tire fire... that’s about how long it should take.

I feel like they should just get rid of virtually every player they have now for whatever value they can get, bring in someone who knows what they’re doing at GM, and basically start all over. The first couple years or so may suck, but if the person at GM knows what they’re doing, there’s a chance for success. Even

“How to hack an escape room with me-shaped holes” was the next Lifehacker article on this, but now you’ve gone ahead and spoiled it.

Nah, they said “gangs”, all those white supremacists are just a bunch of lone wolves that happen to group together. 

Splinter’s favorite candidate: The Ever Moving Goalpost.

Hey now, 4th place is not mid-table, and that was their destiny for most of his final years (as opposed to the 20th place I’d have hoped to see them)

For fetuses of people of color, it’s the first and only time these white fuckos will care about them. Once born, it’s right back to the usual dismissal of their existence.

I still say you’re fucking crazy. Steve LeBron doesn’t even play in the NBA. He’s a soccer player in Ligue 2 with LaMont Entienne.

I’d have just dumped more sauce across the entire carpet and claimed anyone who believed I didn’t have a tomato red carpet was a liar and a thief.

I’d have just dumped more sauce across the entire carpet and claimed anyone who believed I didn’t have a tomato red

They managed to survive the trees that wanted to kill that waterbender in the water? I thought she was dead the whole time and was just a ghost.

You’re right. Something Happened on the Way to Heaven is a better song than most people’s favorite song.

“...if you know what an Avatar is.”

I was perfect for this except I don’t know what a sentence is,

Wilson has already served 16 games of this suspension, so perhaps he’ll be allowed to put those extra two games served toward his next suspension?

Expel them from the school. Seems simple enough. School do it for much less than “proudly mimicking the hand gesture of a hate group known for attempting and promoting genocide”.

It’s like country music. All anime is bad. Even if you show me something and I like it, it’s still bad because all anime is bad, just like country music.

It’s like country music. All anime is bad. Even if you show me something and I like it, it’s still bad because all

(Account gets followed by Splinter, gets grayed out, gets re-followed)

1) Scrapple