
Jeez does that tweet piss me off. Like, it doesn’t even fucking work if you agree with him! If the Times is like Pravda, then it’s a propaganda shill for the government, ya know, the government in which all 3 branches are under Republican majority. These dumb motherfuckers think they’re being oppressed because they

a bunch of pop sci-fi touchstones—a dash of Battlestar Galactica, a pinch of Westworld, a touch of A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Not that this was a major point of your post, but just to answer the question, his posts on Deadspin were always of the “guest poster” variety whenever he just wanted to talk about boxing.

It’s funny, when I was a kid nobody complained about things that would be “SJW” labeled today.

Oh come on, they totally knew before it was public information that Jared was scum.

Man, thankfully you like LeBron else the NBA is going to suck for you the next few years if this keeps up. You have the Warriors and Rockets and all their shit, the Sixers whose fanbase has an overly vocal minority that ruins any goodwill the team itself makes, and worst of all, a team from Boston.

*checks byline*

Speaking of Arsenal, what if they let Emery spend big?

With this money and the Saudi money coming in, BRING BACK FIREWORKS FOR ENTRANCES FOR FUCK’S SAKE!

Please Albert, look into a mirror and repeat to yourself, “I am not Kevin Draper” until this feeling subsides. For all of us.

And if he didn’t, there’d be some knob in the comments telling him he was hiding from his prior prediction. So I guess he’s damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

Shit. ART of War. Now you tell me. Going God of War didn’t help me much, though Comcast seemed to actually respect it.

Look at Richie Rich over here with their name brand canisters acting like they’re too good for Value Brand Cheeze Whisss.

It’s like guys (I mean, it’s always a guy) who get defensively proud when there’s a false accusation of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or rape. Like, I don’t see them this excited when they find out there was a false accusation of burglary or jaywalking...

Haha, that was the exact point where my reading went from, “well, I liked the first one but I understand other people have different opinions and I can’t get too riled up about it” to “Wait, what the fuck am I reading?! Are there actual people with this opinion?”

Can your comment front page Splinter? I mean, it never would because it criticizes Bernie, but I always do love hearing how that litmus test apparently was okay for a progressive to fail because we need Democrats even if it means being anti-choice in an anti-choice district but a pro-business Democrat in a

I particularly liked the jumbotron’s reaction: BANISHED

Like that Michael Jordan guy, he was just alright. I’d like to have see him try to succeed in this pace and space NBA we have today. He’d be gasping with cigar-tinged breath after 12 minutes.

Do you think that will change when the Raiders come in and it turns out Vegas was just starved for any team, or are we going to see the fucking hilarious outcome where the Knights outdraw them and Vegas was a hockey town just waiting for hockey?

They wiped away Houston’s entire identity in one game, and revealed it as just the very stupidest thing to waste time developing in the first place, like dedicating a year of your life to perfecting the craft of flipping a light switch.