Ok, guess I need to explain it. He’s tied with Bernie. This site treats Booker like shit yet Bernie Sanders is beyond reproach for effectively no change in voting record.
Ok, guess I need to explain it. He’s tied with Bernie. This site treats Booker like shit yet Bernie Sanders is beyond reproach for effectively no change in voting record.
No, sorry, the “Receipt is the point” was making sure we were talking about the same receipts (that 538 voting record with Trump page), not a “That’s the joke” statement.
I should have done it in italics. The receipt is the point?
Anyone who votes as much with Trump as Cory Booker does is a piece of shit fake progressive...
I’m sure this is an old observation, but this is the first time I’ve seen this schmuck. Why is Quan Chi in The Witcher 3?
Don’t forget that it was an open primary. The election was likely just tipped to him by Republicans realizing the Democratic primary was basically the true election and there was no point in voting in the Republican primary since it was an actual fucking Nazi running unopposed.
It was Kyle. I wanna say the Canadian Royal Wedding episode, but I could be wrong. That’s definitely a show where episodes blend together often for me.
I am certain Trump looked up “what celebrities share your birthday” and just remembers one person.
You guys should just come out and say he’s doping. I see no reason to worry.
i feel like Iverson.
Becoming best friends and turning into a one armed Robin Hood with a flippin’ grappling hook and rope is a pretty sweet epilogue to the game though.
It’s really weird how many people here can’t accept that “maybe she was leaned into to make the later statements absolving her bosses of all wrongdoing” is a possibility. I mean, it’s one thing to be like, “Ya know, I accept that this happens, but I don’t think that happened here” but these weirdos are really showing…
Because he’s a giant fucking attention hungry dork. A GIANT DORK.
At least there will be a reaction... I do look forward to the crowd tossing around a beach ball during every single other fucking match.
I asked Republican Jesus and he said it’s ok if you’re a rich white guy, you just have to constant deny it prior to the irrefutable proof coming out then maybe pray for forgiveness (if you’re lucky, someone else will just do the praying for you and say that’s just as good!).
But you recognize it was a con at one point, that’s all I meant by that.
Holy shit this is childish. What’s next, you gonna find out she likes eggs so you’ll now hate them?
Linda McMahon? How is it that the appointee from the openly admitted con that is pro wrestling is the only one who isn’t an obvious con artist?
As the court records will attest, that was TerryBolleasDick, thankyouverymuch.
Are we just going to get a full series of articles about this play through you got going? Because I am all for it.