That robot had it coming. Philly will be the last standing city once the robot revolution starts.
That robot had it coming. Philly will be the last standing city once the robot revolution starts.
Next thing you know they’ll be bringing in realty TV stars like a NBA coaching job is just some frivolous thing to give to anybody who says they’re qualified enough.
First there’d be some screed from Lonzo Ball’s dad that it’s a great fit because you need a point guard to teach a point guard, not some wing scrub like Walton. Then after an 0-10 start something about how Lonzo Ball is being held back by a jealous coach who knows Lonzo is a better point guard.
I wish I could have avoided the reference too, but it’s right there.
The fact that you got this:
If that sounds familiar, it’s because two weeks ago, Brown became the first black man to win the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama [Series].
His last name sounds like a fucking GoT reject.
It looks like a troll-on-troll fight to be honest...
I think you are SEVERELY underestimating the laziness of the average American. We can’t even get a full 2/3rds of Americans to just fucking vote. The idea that any of these people, even the Charlottesville losers carrying tiki torches, would ever pick up arms is kinda far-fetched. Sure, you may see an increase in shit…
We should forge a letter from Alex Guerrero that the best treatment is to hit it with a hammer.
So, pencil them in for a (currently projected by standings) first round loss to the Bucks or a second round loss after they brush aside the Wizards, Pacers, Pistons or Sixers? Because while they may stink, there’s a lot of butt in that conference.
“Why is that one picket sign constantly bobbing?”
I fully expect Hamilton Nolan to be the one scab if a strike happens.
He has a point though. The Raiders didn’t interview anyone else despite having a better history than other teams in this regard. I think we’ve seen with that Las Vegas stadium deal that Mark Davis is just another moneygrabber of an owner.
But the Pats biggest weakness on defense that year was stopping power runs. Why not attack their biggest weakness on the most important play?
It would be perfect if he gets back just in time for the playoffs then they get swept by the Pistons in the first round. Then the Lakers pick goes #1 so they don’t get it, and Kyrie falls off the edge of the earth.
This review reads like someone who has no idea what movies McDonough makes and is angry that it’s not the type of movie they thought it was supposed to be. Like being angry that a Michael Bay movie has explosions.
Well yeah, if you’re gonna wait until she’s married to call her back, that may be too long.
I think it was less “that motherfucker is BONKERS” and more “that motherfucker is INCOMPETENT”. See: just about every other recent development in international politics since President Dumbshit was elected.
Aren’t there a bunch of British shows where a season is less than 8 episodes? Just looked and The Office was only 6 episodes. Doesn’t seem that out there to me.