It is, but I also think Barkley is pretty crap and they probably could have gotten some homegrown schmuck from a Championship team for less than 15 who would be better than him.
It is, but I also think Barkley is pretty crap and they probably could have gotten some homegrown schmuck from a Championship team for less than 15 who would be better than him.
Well, now I’m in that state where I’m trying to understand how Oprah wouldn’t be one of those celebrities who are qualified without it being for fucking weird reasons.
My point, if you had bothered to read it, was that being a billionaire celebrity is not a qualification for government
I’m still trying to figure out what position he plays for them though. Having watched Everton, if they put him in the midfield, that’s a fucking laugher. And as a winger, you’d think they could do better even if restricted to home-grown players.
So, Oprah doesn’t have experience with how the law works then?
Chelsea would have been insane to pay £35m for Barkley while knowing he was carrying a long-term injury. (That last sentence also works if you stop reading before “while...”).
So, when you said “possibly one with experience with how the law works” you meant what? A magical state where that means both “only” and “not only”?
When you said only people with “experience with how the law works “ should be politicians. That’s what that means. I mean, unless you want to define “experience with how the law works” as something other than having a background in law.
So, you want lawyers and judges with no scientific background instead of scientists or engineers writing laws about the environment?
I have absolutely no problem with a celebrity becoming a politician, just not, ya know, straight to President. If Oprah wanted to run for a seat in the house, why not? I mean, what job profession would you say can run for office? We’ve had gynecologists as dipshit Senators, so it’s not like a “serious” prior job would…
You’re missing the possibility he would just think they were now congressman.
Probably just in Pennsylvania.
So, we’re agreed, any fucker who tries to tell you that a business man would make a great president/govt official should be beaten to within an inch of their lives?
I don’t know, I only buy a conspiracy theory if it can be put in an acrostic. Does make you think though.
Potential illegal seen at site of injured Brit.
Edmund’s ankle was taped up and he continued playing
It’s just going to end with Trump/Belichick losing two elections to Eli Manning.
Is there a “Writing endorsement letters at a 6th-grade level” department? Because he’d fucking smash that.
Have you tried a Hunger Games? Or a Battle Royale?
He said “kids” not “kid”. Once you have more than one you realize how disposable they are.