
It's always the late 80s with Hulkamania BROTHER

I could have been in it too BROTHER!

I call liars like I see 'em BROTHER and this "Gwen" DUDE is a liar JACK. I'm the biggest name ever in professional wrestling BROTHER. I could use Lou Thez as a roll of toilet paper and no one would object BROTHER. I could take John Cena out to the back alley, rough him up a bit, and he would never get over again DUDE.


Im running for Governor of Florida BROTHER. Who wants in on my campaign team?

Fuck love BROTHER

You're all here for Hogan right BROTHER?
Wait, I'm not booked? What the hell Vince! *insert racist remark* BROTHER

I don't know anything about politics BROTHER be them backstage or on the big stage but I think BROTHER that we should all let the little guy win

I'd play Barbie BROTHER. Pitch your screenplay for Hulk Hogan in Barbie below JACK

Sounds like my Honeymoon BROTHER

I wish I was in more Japanese wrestling matches but as a racist caricature of myself which is really just myself


I'd pay for a new one BROTHER, but all of you MARKS would hate on me MAN

He did the job because he's a good Christian but he lost because he'll never beat Hulkamania BROTHER

But what if you heard DROPPING THE LEG BROTHER!? Would you think of the Immortal Hulk Hogan then?

No one gives a shit about Nia Jax though BROTHER

You wanna say that to my face BROTHER!?

BROTHER, what I think needs to be explained are a few of my TUBULAR moves BROTHER. Explain BROTHER how when I DROP THE LEG BROTHER it crushes the throat of my opponent; explain BROTHER how when I body slam my opponent it causes their spine to be crushed by the power of Hulkamania JACK; explain BROTHER how the AXE

I wanted to be in this as a plate of pasta BROTHER but they told me it wouldn't make sense. Hulkamania always makes sense BROTHER!

I do have a soft spot for getting married BROTHER