
Yeah BROTHER, but nobody likes you here

LaToya BROTHER, what you don't realize is that my old best buddy The Undertaker can revive Sister Abigail from the dead for the eventual Bray vs Undertaker with Hulk Hogan as a special guest referee at Summerslam match JACK

I'm Sister Abigail BROTHER

The Ultimate Warrior *growl*

I still want to fight Roman Reigns BROTHER


What did you like about me PoorVersionOfMrAmerica BROTHER?

Not me though BROTHER! I'll never die. I have too many corporate sponsorships JACK

There's a Hulkamaniac in Heaven BROTHER. I know that's not the song but whatever you MARKS

This is rough BROTHER. Gotta give me a few days to process this

Inferno or nothing BROTHER

By theoretical Ancient BROTHER, I assume you mean that I will be at Wrestlemania 33

Does that mean I exist BROTHER? Or am I just Hulkamania?


I'm friends with him BROTHER, but I'm not sure he's friend with me after I said some things about black people. But I'm sure he'll get over it, just like my idol and mentor Donald Trump

Tentacle BROTHER, I just don't see Vanessa taking it all the way. She's a pretty cool DUDE but Nick seems less entrance by her than he is by Raven. Of course it ain't gonna be Corrine. That chick is wack JACK

On Nick Denton? That BROTHER ain't Japanese enough for that


God I hate you

I got the stunner too. It hurts BROTHER! But not as much as Nick Denton's tears. What a fucking JABRONI