
I don't know BROTHER. I'm pretty sure my Raven-haired beauty will win BROTHER

He's pretty good but is he Big Boot worthy Death BROTHER?

That RuRu JAMOKE is the most mid-card though BROTHER

You can't fool me Nick Denton! You ain't getting your grubby hands on my other sex tape BROTHER!

Alisdair is a JAMOKE though and I'm sure he's a Dungeon Of Doom MARK

I'll miss you Kyle BROTHER and LaToya BROTHER. You two are the reason I decided to purchase a computer, learn about internet security (well that and so old Thiel BROTHER doesn't hound dog me!), and post on this website for JABRONIS. This should be beneath my time BROTHER but Brookie is trying to have intercourse with

I thank you for being a Bouldermaniac BROTHER. Hulkamania is my refined philosophical sequel publication to my first thesis of Bouldermania BROTHER. It need a lot of work but I think Hulkamania stands the test of time.

I'll admit I don't know who you are BROTHER

Better than Glacier

Calm yourself Doink BROTHER. You don't have to worry about Tatanka pick on you anymore.

Are you…talking to yourself BROTHER? Monsoon is dead BROTHER

Also Eric Bischoff letting me what I want because he's a GOOD BROTHER BROTHER

Good food and you know it BROTHER

Actually BROTHER, it's 1) Hogan Knows Best 2) Pastamania 3) Beach Shacks

Cowboy Bob Orton was a villainous heel who beat people up with his cast. He deserved to be shown disrespect BROTHER! He's everything Hulkamania is against! Also his brother Barry was a jobber and we should laugh at him

You're a true Hulkamaniac BROTHER

I deserve at least 3 for the three pillars of Hulkamania

It was worth it right BROTHER?

Where's my documentary already BROTHER?! Fucking JABRONIS don't realize good money when they see it. I hate all of you BROTHER

What a goddamn uncool mofo playa