
I could always add you BROTHER

There should be a movie on my family BROTHER. We can call it "Hulking Boulders". It would depict my rise from Terry Boulder to Hulkamania BROTHER. My family would be in it but everyone really wants to see Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake so they'll mostly be substitute in for him.

Watch this show BROTHER! I might make an appearance in season 3 *wink* *wink*

Well that's just unfair BROTHER

Swagger is joining me in that path back to relevance BROTHER

If I'm stopping anyone BROTHER, it's that Hulkamania wannabe Sami Zayn

Shhhhhh. Stay tuned

Fucking horrible

I'm here BROTHER. Don't worry. I was spending time getting all the puss out of this one pimple on my bicep. I tried throwing money at it but I guess that pimple aint a MARK. I tried throwing heroin at it but it seems to have developed a resistance ever since the mid 90s. I don't know what to do BROTHER. Send help.

Oh please Ancient BROTHER, have you ever seen Rebel vs Shelly Martinez?

Not as much as TNA!

Pffft. I already beat that JABRONI in the game of life BROTHER

As a Trump voter, I think this can make America great again


Watch me in Suburban Commando BROTHER

I ain't that gross if you get to know me BROTHER. Now Bastion Booger? That DUDE was gross BROTHER

Linda did. Come back to me Lindaaaaaaaaaaa!


The most beautiful album ever created

That ain't fair BROTHER. You know it grows in size with all the other Hulkamaniacs BROTHER