
Cucks be cuckin’. You forgot that, and it’s important.

Are you covered head-to-toe is a black garment such that only your eyes are visible? You know, that darling feminist garb that empowers women as sexual individuals? Is that something you are any other empowered woman here wears ever? And you fully support the principle of wearing this barbaric medieval wardrobe, that

Well, since this is a largely pedantic essay, let me dive right in.

Clearly this woman probably an anti-vaxxing, climate denier, truther, and definitely anti-science. Clearly! Tin foil hat wearing anti-science nut job, I say. If she just shut up with her own stupid barbaric ideas about child birth and listened unquestionably to her betters in the medical community, this would never


Oh man, it’s a good thing you galloped up on your white horse and brought along your keen nose for sarcasm!

Whoa. Whoa! Let’s take a step back here. No one is accusing you — you, this precious fucking snowflake nobody — of making shit up for lols and clicks. I know the whole fucking internet and your parents and professors can vouch for you getting laid, etc. Pardon us, on behalf of the world. A thousand pardons, princess.

Stupid signs! Are they cardboard!?? And they were on the internet?!! SO WE’RE DEALING WITH STUPID CARDBOARD SIGNS FROM THE INTERNET?!!!!! And and Hitler had bad signs. And signs are so stupid.

We always cooked our dogs. Throw some chicken, giblets, rice, veggies... boil...debone dog, mix... serve. Just 20 minutes flat.

I can’t believe how good and awesome and amazing this otherwise piece of shit word vomit is because of the most excellent, appropriate and original use of the big-boy pants word ‘fuck’ in the mind-blowingly edgy title!

How about that sandwich, bitch? Go on, git!

Shut up and go make me a sandwich, bitch. Extra bacon, non-organic. Then go fuck yourself about how the poors should live according to your Whole Foods porn fantasy.

Word up! I’m just fishing.

Don’t let the door, etc. Go on, git!

Grow up. This is bad writing born of bad / no thought process, wrapped in an edgy F bomb headline, vomited out during the last days of justifiably bankrupt click shop who to their dying last breath refuses to own their shit.