
I live in Arkansas and the razorbacks are my greatest joy - not the actual team per se, but the fact that when they lose I have sadistic joy of watching 1.7 million Trump supporters lose the will live

This is the next four years bro, on every form of media imaginable. It’s what happens when you elect a joke for president. Reference 2000-2008 if you want to know what it’s going to look like, and this will probably be much, much worse.


No idea how he got a hold of Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke’s speech.

Go to bed, Skip.

You know what else sucks? Getting kicked in the dick.

It’s like open gym at the Y with that one guy who dunked 3 times in high school and claims he still has it.

This was a curiously satisfying article to read, and one of the better streamer profiles the site has done.

Look, 2016 sucks for a lot of reasons. Donald Trump, Kardashians, North Korea. But a 40 year old British man can stream a game about driving a truck for 5 hours a week and thousands of people watch it, and that gives me hope.

It seems like a Nazi artifact is found somewhere really surprising every few years or so. They really seemed to be almost everywhere at some point during the war. If you look hard enough, you can probably still find some original Nazis still alive and kicking down in South America.

lock him up! lock him up!

Carville replied, “Frog dont jump no fricasee gator run a slim jim.”

Only commie liberal PC SJW pussies wait for an event to happen before forming an opinion on it.

My friends and I made a high school film involving the train formation. We are no longer allowed around high schools.