

Even if the same people keep upgrading, there have been over 50,000,000 iPads sold. That's nothing to scoff at.

I think an important thing to remember is monopoly and anti-trust issues. Apple could buy Google and burn them to the ground but that would create a lot of issues. Maybe buying cable companies would be the same kind of anti-trust issues? Not too familiar with those laws but that'd be my guess. Otherwise I'm not quite

The only thing this proves is that iPad 2 is an awesome product. If you showed them iPad 2 and the New iPad at the same time, without even telling them which was which, that would be a cooler experiment. I'm sure they'd immediately pick the 3rd gen iPad.

It's a much bigger pain in the ass because of device fragmentation. You're not just testing your software on a couple different iPhone models that all have the same (or exactly double) screen resolutions. You're dealing with 50 different phones with different size and resolution screens, different software versions

I recommend creating a Dropbox account and working out of the folder. When you install it you just have a local folder that looks like any other fold on your machine. Put your documents folder in there and any changes you make are uploaded instantly. Plus, you have the advantage of being able to work offline.

I didn't think Google Docs and [] were the same thing at all... Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought [] only allowed you to upload documents. You can't edit them in a web browser or anything like you can with Google Docs.

I honestly feel like Apple knows it won't win most of these. Even if they did have them first and own the patents, software patents seem to be so narrow and easy to work around.

I think the ones that go on fire sale after extremely poor consumer reception sometimes get close to that...


Absolutely this is the tablet to get.

It doesn't play video as efficiently as HTML5. Fact.

What's Flash? Oh yeah, now I remember. That thing that everyone claimed was a competitive advantage iOS devices but ended up being bad the whole time and killed in the end after Apple was right all along. Yes, that was it...

buying what?

While Android is obviously faster, I wouldn't call it better per say.

You can say "the supermarket." You would just have to add the supermarket you are referring to into your contact list.

Again, if you wore a bullet proof vest and got shot in the head, you'd blame the vest or the shooter?

I'm not sure you're understanding what Google did... They tricked the browser into thinking a cookie from a site you DIDN'T visit was a cooke from a site you DID visit.

I'm asking where did you get this info that Apple adding this feature was "anticompetitive behavior" even though the feature has been there since Safari 1.0, way before +1 was a thought in Google's mind and before Apple and Google were competitors.

Where are you even getting this information? That preference has been there since Safari 1.0, long before Google had the +1 button, long before Google and Apple hated each other (they in fact liked each other very much back then) and long before Google had put such a significant push towards targeted ads and selling